Five~ You're welcome

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Harmony and I walked out of the building without another word, straight to the parking lot where her shiny black car waited. We drove, without a particular destination in mind. After a few minutes we ended up at Harmony's house. While walking up the porch, she turned and looked at me.

"Do you want to take Sammy to the park?"

"Sure!" I said, shrugging.

"Sammy-boy, come here sweetie!" she called while bending over and clapping her hands twice

The Tibetan mastiff came bounding to the door, tongue hanging out of his slobbery mouth. Before making it outside, he had already knocked a lamp over. In a split second, he was on his hind legs and licking my face.

"I love you too Sammy-boy! Aww, aren't you just a cutie?" I said while scratching him behind the ears.

"How's my little Sammy-wammy? Do you wanna go to the park? Hmm? Aw now who's a good boy? Yes you are, yes you are!" Harmony cooed.

We walked out the door side by side, Sammy in the middle. We didn't bother with a leash because he is actually an extremely well trained dog, even if he forgets to show it. When we got to the park, Sammy just let loose and ran. He rolled around in the grass and barked for joy. He loved the park, and could entertain himself for hours.

" Hey, look over there. At the pavilion on the right," Harmony whispered.

"Yeah, I see it. So what?" I said. She pointed at something there, so I turned to look again. " Oh, you mean that boy there. Wait, is that Zeke?"

" May as well go see!" she said optimistically.

We walked over as casually as possible, but that was changed the second Sammy saw that we were walking toward a person. He bounded to him as quickly as possible. Harmony looked at me with wide eyes. Sammy was a bit overwhelming to most strangers.

And as per usual, Sammy tackled him.

We ran over to make sure he was okay. That's not the greatest way to greet your hero, ya know. By the time we got there Sammy was pinning Zeke down, licking his face.

" Sammy, off!" Harmony said sternly. Sammy complied looking very guilty but tail still wagging. "I am so sorry, are you okay?" With a smile she reached out her hand to help him stand.

" Yeah I'm good, he just took me by surprise." Zeke said while getting up.

"Anyway we just want to thank you. Well I'm Harmo-"

"I know." Zeke said, cutting her off "You're Harmony and she's Jocelynn."

Harmony stood still, mouth hanging open.

"You're welcome, by the way." he said, awkwardly scratching his head.

A/N: Sorry for the awkward ending.... You probably hate me for the lack of updating but hey, life seriously sucks sometimes. You guys are awesome. Comment what you think so far! To see my work in the future follow me! Also follow my IG @lifeisafucker

Roxx out!

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