C:1 ~ Were you not expecting this?

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{AN;; Hello!! This is my first time making a Springtrap x reader book, but just FYI the reader is 24yrs of age just so we don't make this a pedo fan-fiction. And also if you read the description be sure you're not sensitive to ANY of those topics. Thank you!}

[8:47AM | October 20th]
I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes as i yawned tiredly. 'mmhn..' I stood up as i stumbled over to my vanity, being welcomed by a tired, [hc] haired girl standing in the mirror staring right back at me with bright [ec] eyes.

"Oh dear.. I'm a total mess!" I looked as if i had just survived a black friday sale. Rushly walking into the bathroom and shutting the door behind myself as i started up a steaming hot shower, and sat down as i awaited for the shower to become the perfect temperature.

About 6 minutes later the whole bathroom was filled with steam, i felt the water and nodded happily as i stripped down and hopped into the shower. The water dripping off my head and onto my back as i grabbed the shampoo and began washing my hair.


I had finished my shower a good few minutes afterwards, hopping out and wrapping my hair up into a towel just after i dried myself off. I looked at myself and smiled lightly, i was actually liking how i looked after so long.

"Oh! I almost forgot." I checked the time and nodded as i put on my shorts and [fc] hoodie on over my head, i fixed it up as i got out my blow dryer and plugged it up just before blow drying my hair. A good 7 minutes later i brushed it out and walked over to my nightstand before grabbing my phone along with my [fc] pair of earbuds.


Jogging in the fall breeze, cars driving past, and beautifully colored leaves fell from the trees as i began playing my favorite song loudly in my earbuds. I hummed as i took glances around, these surroundings were new as i had decided to pick a new route to take this morning. After about 5 minutes the route ended at an abandoned building, the words had either fallen off or faded out but the only part i could make out was the word 'Frights' the s was crooked though. I unplugged my earbuds and started playing my musics again as i walked up to the building, gliding my hand across the rusted building.

"This place does seem pretty old, maybe i could find a way in and take a quick look around? I mean claire can wait alittle while.."
I went up to the big entrance doors and pushed against them, they didn't seem to barge so i walked around the building for a few minutes until i spotted a rusted ladder.

"Eh.. Looks sturdy enough" I took a deep breathe and began climbing up it, the ladder creaked more with every step i took. I had finally made it up to the roof without any injuries surprisingly. I found a vent leading down into the building, i struggled to get it unhitched with just my hands so i decided to kick it in, which ended in me cutting my leg on the loose metal but it wasn't quite a big cut, still hurt like hell though. After 2 seconds of checking the cut, i had lost my balance and fell through the vent, felling onto a hard tile floor.

"Fuck!" I shouted as i sat up and rubbed the back of my head, looking back at my hand and seeing quite a bit of blood. I stood up but everything was still spinning, holding onto the wall until i made it to a well lit room with.. a person in it? They had looked at me and were in shock for a couple of seconds until they noticed the small blood droplets i had left behind myself as i was walking.

"Holy cow! are you alright?" The guy spoke as he rushed over to me and sat me in his office chair, he left the room for a second and came back with a first aid. "How did you even get in here? The doors were shut tightly." I hissed at the pain of him applying bandages on the back of my head. "I fell through the ceiling vents." He looked at me with a concerned look, but silently shut the first aid and sat it down next to a monitor.

He sighed and looked at his monitor before speaking. "You can stay in here for a couple of hours until the doors open, then i could take you up to a hospital or something."
I nodded just as he spoke once again.
"Just whatever you do, do NOT leave this room or let your curiosity get the best of you, if you need anything just ask me."
I stayed quiet and looked out the window of the office, two bunny ears peaked over and soon enough you could see a mask just over the rim aswell.

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