C:3 ~ Close call.

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[2:25AM | October 21st]

I shot up and placed my hand on my neck, sweating as i looked around in fear, but, then i saw Tyler, he looked concerned for me. "Y/n it's okay, nothing bad happened. You're okay don't worry." Tyler placed his hands on my face to comfort me, looking at me as tears streamed down my face. He was wiping my tears until a sound went off his monitor. "Let me deal with this real quick, okay y/n?" i nodded as he got back into his office chair, looking at the monitor. "hm, that's weird.." He looked focused on something, staring intently at the screen.

That's when i saw him again, a rabbit animatronic peeking from the doorway, he gave me a small wave as i stared at him in fear, i tugged at Tyler's clothing until he actually looked at me. "What y/n? I'm dealing with something." I just pointed at the doorway and so Tyler looked towards that way, freezing up once he saw the animatronic aswell. "shit." He tried playing an audio to draw him back but it had been messed with, it kept cutting out.

With Tyler's last option he grabbed me by the wrist and quickly took me with him through the rusted ventilation, the loud echoing of metallic thuds behind us made it worse, making us feel terrified and worried.
"You're going to hate this idea but, we're going to have to split up to confuse him."
I looked at him with a confused expression, feeling my gut drop. "What?" Tyler sighed as he began to let go of my wrist. "You go left and i'll go right, it'll lead you back to the office." I didn't know what else to say so i just nodded, i could've swear i felt the animatronic behind me, right behind me.

And then it was time, we got out of the ventilation and Tyler fully let go of my wrist, heading towards the right. And i had began running to the left, i no longer heard the animatronics footsteps loudly running behind me but i didn't want to risk it, i kept running until i made it to the office.
I hurriedly went up to the monitor and checked the cameras to see if i could find either of them.

But, i just couldn't.

I was still terrified, too scared to even look around, so i decided to get under the desk and cry, cry until something happened or Tyler came back, which at this point, i didn't think was a possibility. I cried and thought to myself, was it my fault?  If i hadn't came down here he could've focused more and dealt with it all accordingly, but, what if i ruined everything.


I woke up sweating, the lights were dimmer than i remembered, i peeked out from under the desk, seeing nothing. I got out from underneath and looked around the room carefully, my eyes were foggy from me sleeping, i wiped my eyes but still saw nothing. It was way to quiet here for comfort.
I walked out the office and saw the fire axe on the ground, picking it up just incase i needed it sooner or later. I saw nor' heard anything, but yet i felt a glare on me, i was hoping it was just my paranoia from this god awful place.

Just then there was an echoing yelp for help, i hesitantly ran towards the noise and, it was Tyler being held at the grip of it.
He was slightly pale, i was so scared but i needed to help him.
I hurriedly ran up to them and swung my axe into its shoulder, it's grip loosened just enough so Tyler could breathe a bit but, it was staring at me with a sinister grin.

"Feisty one aren't ya'?" He chuckled and swung his arm at me, pushing me against a wall as he had knocked all the air out my lungs, i kept panting and trying to breathe as much as i could.

"Now you'll get to watch as he dies a slow and painful death, then you'll be next sweetie." He laughed as his grip tightened once again around Tyler's neck, i started to cry, i didn't want either one of us to die, i mean i just fell into this place yesterday afternoon, i didn't wanna die before saying goodbye to Claire.


An alarm went off and The rabbit figure stopped moving and Tyler fell to the ground, coughing as he placed one hand on his neck.
I looked at him in shock as he slowly got up and walked over to me, picking me up and putting one of my arms across his shoulders.

"It's going to be okay, you're gonna be okay."
Tyler reinsured me as he coughed more, walking both of us out of the open doors and into the open air. I was so happy to be out of that place, i'm never going back.

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