C:5 ~ New recruit.

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[7:24PM | October 21st]

Me and Tyler finally arrived where his boss was, but, it was back at the pizzeria place or whatever it was. Tyler said his boss had an office beside one of the party rooms but it was always locked unless he himself was in there, i didn't really respond in any way except for nodding. It was easier.

Tyler placed a hand on my shoulder as we both walked in and towards his bosses office, this place gave me an uncomfortable feel. The same feeling as the first time i came in here.
But soon enough Me and Tyler made it to his bosses office, it looked vintage and new, they must've added not long ago.

"Ah, y/n right? Well i'm Mr. Dominic. Tyler's boss. And i checked our security cameras and for some reason you were on them, why's that?" He stared at me intently, tapping his desk as he awaited an answer from me.

"Well yesterday i got curious and wanted to check inside, i never saw a 'No Trespassing' sign upfront so i didn't think much of it."
I gulped as i looked at him, he looked satisfied with my answer and nodded.

"Well y/n, to be sure you don't tell the cops or anyone about your experience here, i want you to sign these agreement papers. And another favor that you may be iffy about." He sighed as he grabbed an outfit from one of his desk drawers, placing it on the desk before sliding it infront of me. I looked at him a bit worried and concerned of what he was about to say.

"Ah, so.." He cleared his throat.
"I want you to start working here, only for the time being. Some nights you'll work with Tyler and some other nights by yourself.
You will get paid though don't worry."
I froze as i stared at him, i wanted to say no but what if he took me to the cops for trespassing, or worse?

"i.. Erm." I looked at Tyler and he nodded at me with an awkward smile, i looked back at Dominic and nodded hesitantly.
"Sounds like a deal."
But in reality i really wanted to strangle him.

"Great! You can start tonight."
Tyler placed a hand on my shoulder once again, he seemed to know my stomach was spinning in every direction.
I smiled awkwardly in silence as Dominic handed me the Assigned work clothing.


Me and styler were driving down the road as we both sat in silence, i wanted to break the silence but didn't know how to.
Tyler ended up clearing his throat as he glanced over at me.

"So.. New recruit eh?" He snickered as i scoffed.
"What would've happened if i didn't agree to working at that.. Horrid excuse of a work place?" I looked at Tyler in silence, he seemed to hold himself back from responding, or finding an excuse.

"Well, he might've called the cops on you for trespassing? He's done it before."
I knew it!! I was right to have signed those papers and agreed to working with him. Well, actually it was a choice between risking my life or possibly getting behind bars.

"You good y/n? You zoned out." He seemed worried for me, but the awkwardness ended as we pulled into an old looking diner. 'Sid and lindsey's diner' hm..

"Wanna uh, grab a bite with me? Something small though since we done ate something before we left." He smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sure, a quick bite shouldn't be an issue."
I smiled as we both hopped out the car, and Tyler opened the door for me, grinning as he winked. I just smiled and walked inside with him following behind me.


We finished ordering, eating, and paying. I know we both agreed to a 'quick' bite but the menu was just too good, plus i'd need to be prepared for tonight, i can never focus on an empty stomach.

We both hopped back into the car and buckled up, Tyler looked over at me before speaking.
"So, what should we do before you go for your shift?" I shrugged before i realized he said 'your shift', i looked back over at him and paused before responding.

"What do you mean MY shift?"
I was overthinking but just wanted to know what he meant.
"Tonight's my night off, but don't worry you'll be fine, i left the Fire axe on the Desk in the office just incase, but also an information sheet so you get use to the place. They also fixed the audio box so you shouldn't have an issue with Spring-trap tonight." Huh, so Spring-traps his name.

"Oh also, they fixed the puppet so you'll have to deal with that, don't worry you just have to wind up its box so it doesn't leave it. If it did end up leaving the box then you'd be SCREWED. But don't worry, that want happen." I nodded, looking out the window as Tyler began driving. Now he had me over-thinking.

+*~;New doll;~*+ Springtrap x Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now