C:6 ~ I need to know more.

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[1:00AM | October 22nd]

I was now sitting in the dimly lit office, by myself.
"God this place gives me the creeps.." I looked around and found a flashlight, maybe this could come in handy.

I looked at the desk and picked up the paper filled with instructions from top to bottom.
"Damn, Tyler really meant it when he said it would have everything i needed to know on it."
I read the paper a couple of time, i even checked the back but there was no info about the puppet. Guess i'll have to figure it out myself.
I sighed as i put my feet on top of the desk and leaned back in my chair, humming as i looked around for a moment.
Nothing seems to happening right now, maybe it's a bit too quiet for comfort.

"Maybe a quick walk around won't hurt." I got up and grabbed the flashlight, placing it in my belt along with the info paper and Fire axe. Stuffing the paper in a pocket and keeping the axe in hand.

I peeked out the door and walked out once i knew the coast was clear, this place didn't look that scary, it's just what's in it.
I hummed my favorite song as i walked around, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear as i walked into a room, seemed to be a a hallway for the restrooms. Good to know.

I began to notice the large amount of vents around this place, like who needs this many vents? Well it isn't really my business if i think about it.

I walked into the girls restroom and it was actually.. Quite clean, surprisingly.

I walked over to the farthest mirror and began fixing my hair, this hat made it all frizzy and messy. I groaned in annoyance as i finally finished and turned on the faucet, great, this place didn't have running water. Not too surprised.

After a minute of standing at this sink and trying to make myself look decent which is weird since i'm working in a place i could possibly die in, i heard loud metallic thuds walking towards the bathroom, echoing.

I looked around hurriedly and ran into the farthest stall, curling up onto the toilet seat.. Disgusting. But it was better then having a huge rabbit kill me.

I covered my mouth as i heard him chuckle, slowly opening the first stall.
"Come out, come out little rabbit."
Chills went down my spine as he said that, i was actually scared, i tried not to cry but it was impossible.
What if i really was gonna die? I don't want to die.
I clenched my eyes closed tightly as he opened the next stall with more force, seeming angrier with each stall he opened.

"Stop hiding, it'll make this easier for the both of us." Tears streamed down my face as i tried to stay quiet, he was just as the stall next to me, slamming it open and making me flinch. I heard him clench his teeth as he stood infront of my stall, i quietly and quickly got onto the floor and tried crawling under the stall to the one beside me.

"ah.. There you are." He grabbed me by the ankle and dragged me out from under the stall, slamming me against the wall with his cold, metallic hands.
He chuckled as he saw tears streaming down my red, terrified face.
he brought one hand up to my chin and looked me dead in the eyes, he knew i was scared.

"Don't be scared, i'm not gonna hurt you.. Yet." He grinned and brought both my hands above my head, leaning in and softly biting into the side of my neck, his grip became tighter with the more i moved. I began kicking and sobbing. i was scared to die, or have worse happen to me, i screamed for help but.. Nothing not even a flinch.

He knew no one was gonna help me, not now.
I felt as if Tyler was watching the cameras, but i couldn't tell, i was too busy trying to get Spring-trap off of me. If only i could get my flashlight out.

He bit down tighter and tighter, i screamed from the pain but then.. He just, let go.
Blood was dripping from his teeth as he looked down at me, a sinister grin from each side of his face.

"I want to taste more of you~" Before he could get any closer i grabbed my flashlight and shined it into his eyes, he yelled and covered his eyes with one hand, trying to grab me with the other, but i was already running out of the restroom and back to the office.

I sat down in the office chair and got ready to click the audio button. He came running down the hallway and i clicked the button, he stopped and stared at me for a moment.

"I'll come back for you after i shut this damn kid up."  I laughed under my breathe, he seemed to hate kids. Now that i think of it.. How is he even alive? He has personality and a voice like an actual human, now that i look back at it, he looks like the old animatronics from Freddy fazbears pizzeria.. Weird.

I wanted more answers.

+*~;New doll;~*+ Springtrap x Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now