C:10 ~ Finale.

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[3:02PM | October 22nd]

I still can't believe how much has happened in the past few days, everything seems to be going by so fast now.

"Ahem." Spring trap gained my attention, he must've noticed that i had gone quiet.

"Oh sorry, i was just thinking." I cleared my throat and smiled lightly.

He grinned. "Thought of giving me a chance?" He teased as i sat quietly, thinking as my face heated up.

"perhaps." I said sarcastically. A soft smile on my face as i glanced over at him, he was staring at me with a sinister grin. He had gotten up and walked infront of me, i was sitting on the front of the desk still since i had hurt my womb.

"teasing now are we? Seems dangerous.."
He chuckled as he placed his hands on the edge of the desk, one hand grazing over my thigh causing me to shiver softly as i looked up at him. He stared deeply into my eyes, my heart began to race as he leaned closer, taking his hand from my thigh and placing it on my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

"Don't tease me, Sweetheart." He let go of me and walked back to the other end of the room, chuckling lightly as he glanced over at me before looking away.

That jerk, he teased me just for the fun of it.

I looked over to him, taking a breath before speaking quietly. "Where's the bathroom?"
He side eyed me whenever i asked, then sighed.

"Come here, Sweetie." He walked over and picked me up, my legs wrapped around his metallic torso.
I looked up at him as he stared back, a smirk appearing across his face.
"Y'know.. I think i deserve a prize from all my hard work, don't ya think darlin' ?"
He chuckled as my face became a red tone, i rubbed the back of my neck as he lifted up my chin. Leaning my back against a wall as he looked down upon me.

"What you say, Sweetheart? Wanna let me claim my prize?" A sinister grin appeared across his face as i sat there silently. Thinking of my answer, looking for the right one.

"Only.. Only if you prove to me that you deserve such a 'prize'." I snickered as he nodded quietly, agreeing to the challenge.

"Sounds like a deal, doll~" He chuckled as we continued off the the woman's restroom, he walked through the door and placed me down, his arms still around me.
"You wanna try and walk, it would be quite awkward if i was in here with you, y'know?"
I nodded in agreement. "Yea, i could try."

He nodded, seeming a bit worried but i didn't focus on him at the moment. I placed my hand against the wall as the other held onto my stomach.
I took slow steps until i could let go of the wall, i could walk perfectly fine, my legs weren't sore anymore which was surprising considering i got stabbed within my lower abdomen.

"I think i can walk around by myself, thank you, Springtrap." I gave him a soft, kind smile before he nodded and left the restroom. I sighed as i walked over to a sink mirror, i looked at myself and i looked awful.
My hair was a mess and i was becoming pale.

"God.. I look awful." I sighed as i washed my face, looking around.

I had to get back home, forget this place and continue on with my 'normal' life.
But since we killed Tyler what about Dominic? Would he be chasing me all my life of have someone else go after me? What if my life's never normal again?

I wiped a tear from my cheek, thinking about it make my stomach spin and my head ache.
I wanted to cry but couldn't, as if something were to be holding my tears back. What if my life never becomes normal again, all because i was curious.

+*~;New doll;~*+ Springtrap x Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now