C:9 ~ Maybe, hes not so bad.

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[6:14AM | October 22nd]

I opened my eyes, sitting up slowly before a stinging pain grew in my gut. I looked down to see myself only wearing my bra and panties, but my stomach was wrapped in bandages.

But who..

I looked at the doorway and saw Spring-trap sitting lifeless on the ground.

"Oh.." The same thing happened the other night, at 6AM he just. Powered off or something, was it maybe the way he was programmed? Or just a setting i could easily change?

I don't know but i wanted to thank him, even though when we first met he tried to kill me but, last night was different. I actually think we bonded somehow.. But there's no time to think about that, maybe i could fix him up to where he's always on.

Well, here goes nothing.


It took a couple of hours but i think i managed to do something. I sighed before turning him back on, and i sat there in silence, except for the hiss of pain i managed to get out just before he fully turned on.

And surprisingly, it had worked.
He was back up and running.

"i fixed ya, or i managed to turn you on so you don't have a certain time you turn on and off. And i just.. Wanted to say thank you, for doing this." He was silent for a moment and then his usual grin appeared across his face.

"You did all that, just to say thank you?" He chuckled as he pulled me next to him. Looking at my bandages before lightly caressing my face.

"I don't usually save folks but, i couldn't just let him do that to you, something told me not to let you die. I know it's weird." He rubbed the back of his neck but i grabbed his arm and smiled lightly.

"I know you may have tried killing me the first time i came here, and you tried coming onto me but i really appreciate it and no, it's not weird, trust me." He chuckled as he pulled me into his lap, was he.. Hugging me?

I don't know nor' care what he was doing, my stomach grew butterflies from it and i hugged him back tightly, tearing up since i've never had someone comfort me like this other than claire. And i haven't seen her in ages, she's probably worried.

"Something on your mind, doll?"
I became flustered, looking up at him as i shook my head, and lied my head back on his shoulder as i looked to the side, silently.

"Could we.. Stay like this for awhile?"
He nodded without hesitation, making me smile.

But now that i think about it.. His animatronic suit was somewhat soft, as if there was fur added to it. I buried my face into the fur and rested my eyes, i just wanted to sleep.

And so, i did.


I woke up quietly, something told me to not open my eyes so i didn't, i just kept them shut as i lied there, still placed on his lap.

He seemed to be playing with my hair, or just stroking it as i slept. His other hand holding onto my waist, like someone would hold someone they loved dearly.

It was genuinely nice, no-ones ever held me like this before. It was.. Different but a good different.

"I know you're awake, no need to keep your eyes shut." He lifted up my chin, making eye contact with me as he smiled, not even a grin. Which is new to me but to be honest i liked both his smile and his grin.

"Stay here, i'll go grab you a sandwich from the fridge, you don't need to move right now. You could hurt yourself more than you already are." I just nodded silently as he placed me on the desk softly, leaving the room without another word.

I just glanced around the room, i saw a bookshelf and thought it would be okay to just walk two steps over there. I was bored of just sitting here anyways.

I stood up and held onto the desk for support, slowly walking over to the bookshelf.
I let go for a second and ended up falling, due to how weak i was from what Tyler did to me.

I lied on the ground as my eyes teared up, it hurt so much.
I sat up and held onto my gut, the stinging pain was back and so was Spring-trap, he saw me and quickly came over to me and picked me up.

"Didn't i tell you to stay put? You couldn't even do that for two seconds." I stayed quiet.

How could he be so nice before and 5 seconds later be so rude, like all i wanted was to read a book because i can't really leave this place.

But he must've noticed i was upset because he sat me on the desk once again and hugged me.

He sighed, if he could he would've rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you."

And that was it.

+*~;New doll;~*+ Springtrap x Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now