Ch. Memories

601 17 3

                     A new beginning.

[Perspective one - Y/N]

Time - 6:20 Am - Monday
I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring upside my bed, and the smell of coffee filling my nose.

"ugh.. what an exhausting night.."I yawned tiredly, stretching as i sat up.

hair draping over my shoulders and fluttering my eyes open, getting a sight of the cup of coffee that had been placed on my nightstand.

'Ruben..' smiling at his kind gesture, standing up and grabbing the mug, sipping it gently. The warm feeling of coffee filling my mouth.

glancing at the time before putting the mug down and walking over to my closet before i opened it up. My eyes scanned the closet before landing on an outfit. 'bingo.'

Time skip - 8:16 Am

I walked into the building, toting my bag as i made my way to the front desk, taking a deep breath before meeting face to face with the woman.

"Ah.. Hello! I have a meeting with Mr. Martin?" Tapping the surface of the desk nervously as i awaited her response.

"Oh alright, let me take a quick look here..." The woman scrolled through her computer, clicking her tongue before smiling warmly and glancing up at me.

"Ah yes! about acquiring.. An abandoned building? Hm.. We don't have many of those but it says here that you've tried every year for the past.. 3 years? Wow you must really want this place." She smiled before nodding, motioning for me to go ahead.

I nodded happily and headed to the door i had entered many times before. Taking a deep breath before her eyes met his.

"Good Morning, Mr. Martin, nice to see you again." I tried my best to lighten the mood, due to our... Past encounters.

"Y/N." He greeted, looking up at me as he motioned for me to sit.

"Y/N.. Dear, we've spoken about this for the past 3 years now. You're not gaining that building."

I cleared my throat and sat in the chair across from him, looking him dead in the eye.

"That's where you're wrong, i've done deep research about the place and no one owns it, the owner pass away and his son tyler has also passed away. Which means all i have to do is pay you the rightful amount for that land and everything on it. And guess what? I have the money." I smiled as i awaited his response, his eyes widened slightly with surprise.

He cleared his throat as he sat upright, looking me deep in the eyes as i smirked, i knew i had gotten to him.

"Perhaps.. I can make an acception of sorts." He pulled out a file and slid it across the desk to me, my hands opening it and seeing everything about the building, even its past.

"Woah.. Do i finally get the land, after all this time?" Asking as he smiled softly and nodded, standing up slowly and holding out his hand.

"You deserve it Y/N." He watched as my hand grasped his and shook it firmly, a smile spreading across my face as i let go of the large man's hand and watched as he slid a paper towards me, a pen ontop.

"You just need to sign here, here, and here and pay either pay upfront or monthly."

I nodded softly, grabbing the pen and signing my initials in each blank.

"Thank you, sir." i smiled gratefully, my dimples showing before i stood up.

"I can pay monthly, how much is the monthly rent?" Tilting my head slightly as i awaited his reply, the large man smiling.

"80$ a month, for 6 months which is...?" He did a hand motion which i assumed meant it was a question, i thought for a moment, doing the math in my head. I've never been the best at math.

"480$.?" I asked, wondering if that was the genuine answer. The man nodded and smiled at me, motioning towards the door.

"Yes ma'am. I could get one of my assistants to stop by your place in the morning? To collect the money of course, and to let you into the building." He smiled kindly at me, a soft yet small smile tugging at the ends of my lips.

"That sounds great, until then." I smiled happily and walked out, a sigh of relief escaping my lips as i waved bye to the woman behind the counter.

Until then. Springtrap.

/AN: working on other chapters since i've been busy this week and i'm growing sick, i hope you guys can wait a bit, and im sorry that Springtrap isn't in this chapter, but he will definitely be in the next one./

-Cliff hanger <3 + Day early release.

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