C:4 ~ Finally, a break.

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[3:56PM | October 21st]

I woke up in a bed and wearing and oversized T-shirt. I looked around for a moment but saw nobody till Tyler entered the dimly lit bedroom.

"Ah.. You're awake, you fainted a few seconds after we left the building so i brought you here, to my place."
I nodded as he handed me a cup of water, i took a sip as Tyler sat next to me and put an arm around me.
"So my boss saw the footage, and.. He wants you to sign some papers and possibly a few other things."
I looked at Tyler and hesitatly nodded, drinking the rest of the water and placing the cup down slowly on a nightstand.

"Also, that place.. Do you work there or something?" I looked up at Tyler, his face looked slightly worried from the question.
"Well, yea actually. It pays really well but it's usually not as risky as it was last night."

"Oh, alright. Also could i go take a shower?" Tyler nodded as i stood up, he grabbed a hamper full of clothes.
"I washed your clothes so you could wear them again instead of wearing something of mine."

I nodded as i grabbed my clothes and walked to the bathroom, shutting the door behind myself as i unwrapped the bandages around my head along with my leg. They looked worse but they were definitely healing, i got undressed and hopped into the shower, the wounds hurt so much but the pain slowly went away after a minute or two of just sitting in the water.


I got out of the shower and dried myself off, wrapping my hair up in the towel as i began getting dressed. After a few minutes i took off the towel and brushed my hair out, i began walking out of the bathroom and back to Tyler's bedroom.

"Finally finished eh?" Tyler chuckled a bit as he buttoned up his shirt, looking at his clock and nodding before glancing back at me.
"Before we go meet up with my boss i thought maybe i could make you something to eat and then we could head down towards him, sound alright?" He smiled as i nodded, walking out of the bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen as i followed close behind him.

"Your house is really nice." I smiled as Tyler chuckled softly, looking in his pantry for a meal to make.
"Thank you, eh... What you're name again? I may have forgotten." He rubbed the back of his neck as i giggled slightly before responding. "Y/n, or whatever you'd like to call me, i don't mind really." He nodded as he went back to looking for something to cook, taking out my [ff]. "This good?" I nodded without hesitation, i was absolutely starving.

"Damn alright, someone's hungry. So am i to be honest." Tyler smiled and prepared the meal, it was quiet for a good while until i decided to speak up.

"Hey Tyler.. I have a question." I said hesitantly. Tyler glanced back at me, slightly confused. "Hm?"

"Are you going back to that place tonight?"
It was quiet for a moment or two, but he broke the silence soon after.
"Yes, but if you were gonna ask to come with me because you were worried then no, you cannot go." I sighed and walked up to him.
"Please" I began to make puppy eyes and Tyler sighed, placing a hand on my chin and lifting my face up towards him.
"I said no, alright? You can stay here again tonight." I groaned and sat at the Island counter, slouching and being over dramatic about it. I mean, why did i even wanna go back? I almost died for gods sake!


Tyler finished the meal and everything, it all looked so delicious. He sat down next to me and handed me a napkin just incase.
"Hope it's good, i haven't made a meal for anyone in so long." He chuckled as i smiled, i began eating and before i knew it my whole plate was finished within 5 minutes.

"That was so good!" I smiled as i wiped my face clean of any food that may have gotten on it.
"Ah thank you, it means a lot really."
We both smiled lightly at eachother before Tyler finished his food.


About 10 minutes passed and We were heading out of the door, i was pretty nervous to meet Tyler's boss, what if i got in trouble for trespassing.
Tyler opened the passenger door for me, grinning. "Ladies first." I giggled and got in. Tyler was genuinely a nice guy, super sweet.

I happily got into the passengers seat and buckled up as Tyler shut my door gently, walking around and opening his own door before getting settled in his own seat.

"Also, you seem nervous. But don't worry my boss won't be too harsh on you" Tyler chuckled as he buckled up and drove off to where i assumed his boss was located.

And oh boy, trust me, i was not prepared for any of this.

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