C:2 ~ A game of Predetor & Prey.

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[2:04AM | October 21st]

The guys name was Tyler, i've been stuck in this place for about 7hrs. Me and Tyler have been chatting on and off since he's been having to deal with the Animatronics coming out way earlier than they should've but atleast nothing bad has happened to us, yet.

"How much longer? I'm so tired." I complained as Tyler looked at me with an exhausted expression on his face.
"I'm tired aswell, but, would you rather have us let our guard down and die or stay awake and survive the night?" I looked down and shook my head 'no', staying quiet for another 20 minutes as he did his thing.


I must've fallen asleep because whenever i woke up Tyler was gone. I checked the time but it was only 3AM so i had just thought maybe he had to go fix something, more time had passed but he still wasn't back, i began to get scared as i sat on the office chair and looked at the monitors. Maybe i could find him on there.

"Come on, come on.." I started to feel a glare on me as i kept trying to search for Tyler in the cameras, still no luck. Then that's when it hit me, what if he.. Left me here? All alone or even worse, he got hurt somewhere.
"Oh god Tyler where could you be.. Please don't be hurt." Maybe if i left the office i could find him, it's probably for the best because if he did get hurt or leave me i wouldn't survive either way, or from how he described the place.

I carefully walked out of the office, peeking around the corner to make sure nothing was there, i felt my hair stand up so i looked for something to protect me just in case. Then the fire axe caught my eye, it seems good enough. I took a deep breathe and elbowed the glass causing a loud sound to echo throughout the hallways but i didn't care for that at the moment, some glass was stuck in my elbow. I shook off the pain as i grabbed the fire axe, turning back around to be greeted with a tall rabbit figure hovering over me, a sinister smile across his face as i looked up at him.

"Lost are ya? Or.. Maybe looking for someone?" He chuckled softly as he got down to my level. "Yea, that security guard was pretty feisty, kinda sad you didn't hear any of it." I shook my head as i felt my eyes watering up. "You didn't.. no, this can't be happening." My stomach started spinning as i had my head tilted upwards towards the Animatronic. "But i did, you can go see for yourself." I rushly ran looking around the place till i smelt it, a corpse lying in a corner just out of the cameras view. I fell to my knees and felt my heart begin to race as my eyes fogged up with tears.

"Nice isn't it, although he didn't really put up a fight he still made my game fun, maybe it's your turn to play?" I slowly looked up at him, he obviously saw right through me and knew i was filled with fear and anger. I slowly backed up as rubbed the tears from my eyes and ran past him, hearing the loud thuds of metal chasing behind me. I thought of the vent, maybe i could escape through there.

I kept running from the figure for more than 5 minutes, his satanic laughs also followed behind us, echoing through the dimly lit hallways.

After a minute or two i ran out of air, along with my stomach cramping. I had to keep running though, i had to survive this, i can't just die this way. But then that's when it happened. I tripped over some wiring and sprained my ankle, i let out a loud yell for help as i was sobbing, i couldn't stand up or anything, it just hurt too much. And then that's when he caught up, slowing down his pace as he looked down at my fragile, weak body.

"And when i thought this game was just getting good. Atleast you put up more of a fight than that security guard." He got down to my level and wrapped his metallic hand around my neck, cutting off the air from my lungs, i struggled to breathe as i hit his hand and began kicking his stomach. But i did absolutely Nothing. I couldn't even cry anymore, i just tried yelling for help but i couldn't even scream at this point, he had been covering my mouth as he grinned sinisterly down at me, his grip around my neck only grew tighter and that's when i blacked out, hearing his maniac laughter just before it went all quiet. Was this it?

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