C:8 ~ Betrayal.

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[4:21AM | October 22nd]

It took ages but he finally stopped talking.

I was slouched over the desk, lying my head down because of this huge migraine i had. Not because of him, i just haven't taken my meds, since i don't have them on me.

"I talked your ear off didn't i?" He chuckled.
God that stupid chuckle, his stupid grin, his stupid voice, he's just so.. Stupid! It's all so confusing.

I ignored him and just turned my head to stare at him, he grinned whenever he noticed and i flinched, looking back down but my face heated up before i realized.. The puppet!

"Shit, shit, shit!! I forgot, the damn puppet." I stood up and was about to walk out the room before Spring-trap grabbed me and sat me down on the desk again, leaning over me.

"Don't worry, if that stupid puppet bothers 'us' then i'll deal with it." He caressed my face lightly. "Alright."

I paused and then took his hand off of me. Standing up as i sighed, looking at him. I was just.. So annoyed of him! Like who does HE think he is? First he tries killing me and then tries to come up on me? I mean he literally had me trapped on that desk, i saw that stupid look in his eyes.
"Don't handle me like that, i mean first you try to kill me, AND Tyler. And now you're trying to come up on me. What the fuck man?" I looked at him intently, clenching my fists.

He lowered his head and chuckled quietly, looking back at me as he walked up towards me.
"I'm not Trying, I don't care how long ago we met, because sooner or later you will be on your knees infront of me."

I felt butterflies form in my stomach, looking up at him as he went to walk out the office. He glanced back at me.

"If you pick the right choice, you know where to find me." Then that was it, he walked out and it had already became 5AM.

I scoffed and sat at the desk, crossing my legs as i thought. So he thinks that? Huh.
Well, let's see if that's true.


I tried to not fall asleep, i only had alittle while left before i could leave. This job is so energy wasting.

I lied my head down and rested my eyes, until i heard a sound coming from somewhere. It was like, light footsteps

I looked around and stood up, i clenched my fists as i continued to look around.
"Who's there? Spring-trap i swear to g-"
I tried finishing my sentence but i just couldn't, i looked down slowly to see a sharp piece of metal was pierced through my womb.

I felt tears streaming down my face as i looked up, no.. It couldn't be.

But it was.

It was him.

"Tyler.." I began to sob lightly, i looked back down and held the metal, sobbing more as i let god and saw the amount of blood.

I began to feel drowsy.

"I'm sorry y/n but you know too much. Me and Dominic can't risk it, it'll be over soon enough."

I looked up slightly, breathing in before i spoke. "HELP!" I sobbed. "Help me please, please.." I begged as Tyler pulled the metal out and pushed me onto my stomach.

"I was hoping Spring-trap would try killing you, but for some odd reason.. He didn't."
Tyler scoffed and threw down the metal beside me, i held the wound on my stomach tightly, coughing lightly.

And that's when i heard it, Loud metallic thuds entering the room and things being thrown around along with a yell, it sounded like Spring-trap but i honestly couldn't tell.

My hearing was becoming fuzzy, and my sight blurred. All i could see anyways was the desk and the office chair infront of me, i began to give up and lie my head down in my arms, crying my last few tears. I don't see me surviving this, but i honestly trusted Tyler. I know i didn't know him long but he saved me, or.. So i though, i honestly didn't care anymore, i was bleeding out little by little.

Until i felt cold, metal hand pick me up bridal style and carry me to a door near the party rooms. He kept kicking the door, finally getting it to swing open.


It was Dominic's office? Why did Spring-Trap come in here? Hell i don't even know why i'm confused about what's happening right now. I've been chased, betrayed, and now i think i'm fucking dying. But this is all because i wanted to try a new route the other day.

It's all my fault.

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