C:7 ~ Little game of Hide and Seek.

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[2:03AM | October 22nd]

I haven't seen Spring-trap in awhile, i wonder where he is.. But whenever i do see him i'm gonna try to get answers out of him.


I groaned in boredom. Spinning around in the office chair until i heard a loud, metallic footstep near the door, making my head turn that way.
And there he was. Spring-Trap, standing right there at the door way with a grin across his face.

"You're a feisty one aren't ya?" He chuckled softly. He was gonna come into the room but i had stopped him.
"Wait." I paused, what if he doesn't tell me anything? God i hope i don't have to run again.

He looked at me curiously, leaning against the doorway.
"yes?" I gulped and felt a bit nervous before asking.

"Do you.. Know what happened to yourself? And the other Freddy fazbears buildings? I'm just.. Curious." I made sure the Fire axe was just in reach of me, just incase.

"ah.. you wanna know about the history of these places? Alright, but.." He paused. a smirk began creeping across his face.

I felt the hair on my arms begin to stand, i don't know what it was. Just, something about him made me nervous.

"For a Price~" He chuckled as he walked into the room, i clenched my fists and prepared to grab the axe, but, he stopped me.
"No need for that, dear, not yet atleast."
He got to my level and i could've swore he snickered underneath his heavy breath but i couldn't tell.

"What kind of.. Price?" I felt him breathing against my neck, i could've swore my face heated up, and he seemed to enjoy it.
"Just alittle game of chase perhaps? Or.. Hide and seek?"
I stayed silent, thinking.
then i nodded hesitantly, looking up at him.
"Hide and seek seems alright. Just, no funny business. Deal?" I held my hand out, he grinned and nodded, he took my hand and supposedly 'kissed' it. But i couldn't tell, for gods sake he's a animatronic.

"Deal~" He chuckled and stood back up, just then i realized how big he actually was. But there was no time to think about that, i had to get going, i had to find a place to hide.

And so it started, he began counting.


I've been hiding in this dimly lit room for awhile now, i wonder what's taking him so long.. I mean i wasn't complaining.

I felt my stomach rumple, darn it.
I held my stomach tightly so it'd make less noise but that didn't help much because soon after, he found me.

"Dearie, i know you're in here.. You cant hide forever." He sounded sinister, and that's when i heard things being thrown around. I became scared, what if he hurts me? Ugh! Why did i decide to make that stupid deal.

"I can hear your heartbeat." He snickered as he grabbed my shirt by the collar, looking at me intently.
"Aren't you just.. Adorable."
Why did my stomach get butterflies whenever he spoke to me like that? God this place is driving me mad! Even his damn grin, his chuckle. I mean, the darn guy tried KILLING me.

He must've noticed i was thinking because he noticed i wasn't saying anything, i even felt my face heating up.
"hm?" He stared intently at my eyes, i tried avoiding eye contact. I personally just found it weird but he made me feel nervous for some reason.
"So that's the end of the game right, you'll tell me the history of the Freddy Fazbears franchise?" I gulped and looked up at him, finally making contact.

"You did hide pretty well.. And you do sound quite hungry. Fine." He tossed me over his shoulder and carried me back to the office, setting me down on the desk before he crossed his arms and stared at me again, thinking, or.. That's what it looked like.

"There's some ham sandwich's in the mini fridge, Security boy always keeps some extras in there." I hesitantly nodded and walked over to the mini fridge, opening as i kept my eye on him. I didn't wanna fall for any of his tricks.

I grabbed a sandwich that was placed into a little baggy, i walked over to the desk and sat on the chair. The silence was very awkward but all he did was stare at me, not even saying anything just, staring.

"I don't want any funny business from you, just because you didn't kill me back there doesn't mean i'm gonna trust you." I scoffed and opened the sandwich, he grinned slightly.

"Keep being feisty, it fits you." I ignored him and took a bite of the sandwich, not making eye contact.
"So.. Are you gonna tell me about the history or not?" I continued eating in silence.

He sighed with a smile, tapping the desk before speaking.
"Alright Alright, calm your horses. And sit tight because this is gonna be a long while."

And he began ranting and telling me the past of the franchise, it got quite boring after awhile.

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