"You will be okay" |Casey Jones x Male reader|

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Currently watching the movie and so this came into my head also currently sobbing lol


y/n pov

I sigh as I look at the clock, 4 am. I gotta get up at 6 in the morning for school.

It's been 4 months since the kraang incident and Casey is staying at my place for the time being, i honestly don't mind. Though I'm still healing from my wounds. The doctors said I'm going to have a permanent limp and I have trouble walking.

Casey feels so bad for what happened even though he had nothing to do with my injuries. I won't lie though, he's very sweet and helps me get around my apartment. I think..I'm starting to like him!? What!? No, that's crazy! Stop thinking!

I get out of bed to make some coffee (or tea or anything else). I leaned against the counter and sighed, cup in hand sipping it slowly.

Casey comes in and sees me.

"What are you doing up?" he asked tiredly.

"Couldn't sleep..still freed out about it." I shivered , feeling tears well up due to anxiety.

"Oh.. that's fair, well.." he walked over to me and side hugged me and I jolted. "It's gonna be alright.. Even though people are still shaken up about it.." he reassured.

I leaned into him sipping my drink, I saw his face turn kinda pink and my face turned kinda pink as well.

"Have you gotten the therapist yet?" he asked, i shook my head placing the mug in the sink but almost fell in the process but Casey helped me. I shivered and used the counter to support myself but it really hurt my legs so I leaned over it trying not to cry in pain. 

Casey noticed and rubbed my back trying to comfort me.

"Holy shit..that hurt." my voice cracked as I held in tears.

"It's okay, if you need to cry I can help you to the couch.." Casey offered and I started having tears fall down my face as he led me to the couch and helped me sit. I leaned forward and tried holding my pain in.

He held me close to him, we normally did this but this felt..closer than it normally did. I smiled and the tears stopped.

"You're a very strong man.. And i think you can get through this..and right now i will help you all you need." he said softly and i curled up on his side for comfort and he smiled.

"I love you.." I said then jolted up, face red and bright. "I-I-I MEAN UHMM" I panicked but then he took my cheek in his hand, his face as red as mine and then...he kissed me, holy shit. He kissed me.

It was a long kiss, it ended and we looked at each other, our faces redder than cherries.

"So uhm..imma take it..that uhh... you reciprocate??" I laughed , not knowing how to help the awkwardness.

He laughed as well and slid, "yeah, didn't know why i did that, i could've just said" he chuckled.

I kissed him, he pulled me in by the waste and this one was more passionate and lasted longer. It was great. Sparks of love came through us as we broke away for air.

Our faces turned even more red and we looked away from each other.

"So...this makes us..boyfriends now?" Casey asked fiddling with his thumbs.

"Yeah..i guess so" i pecked his cheek and laid down on his chest and he smiled. We ended up falling asleep on the couch at a show.

I think Imma likes the rest of the year.

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