"Rough Thanksgiving.." |Mikey x Male Reader|

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hey guys! so this is more for myself to vent with so you can read it but it will just be more established with my life so yeah. All places are false though. (564 words)

Background information about you, your parents got divorce and you moved to New York with your mom and her boyfriend while the rest of your family is in Oregon. 

F/B: favorite band 


It's around thanksgiving, first thanksgiving without your family..well you have your mom but that's it.. It's about 3 days before and you laid in your bed staring at your ceiling thinking about things, it made you homesick. You had a better relationship with your dad then you did with your mom and when you moved in with your mom you lost all respect for her once you realized she only cared for her boyfriend's kids. You were devastated and got up and got dressed. You were gonna see Mikey. Your boyfriend. He always knew how to help you cheer up, maybe he can help with this too.

You climbed down the manhole with your headphones on listening to F/B as you sigh, you were kinda numb if you had to be honest. You walked into the lair and were greeted by Donnie and Leo. You didn't have to say anything cuz they simply told you Mikey was in his room. That's a perfect, private place for you and him to talk.

You walk into the room and see Mikey asleep in his hammock and you sighed.. You felt bad waking him up but you really needed his support. You shook him slightly and he opened his eyes slightly.

"y/n? Am I still dreaming? Oh wait no, that's just your face" he was such a goofy flirt, it made you laugh at times but you didn't laugh this time and that got him worried. He sat up and, still drowsy, offered you a seat next to him.

"What's wrong Buttercup?" he asked, you loved that nickname.. You sighed.

"I miss my dad..i miss my grandparents..i miss my family.. I miss home.." you felt tears well up in your eyes and he could see your lip trembling. His brows furrowed and he took your hand.

"I see.. Why?" he asked, he wanted to get more information so he knew how to help.

"Thanksgiving.. The day where you get together with family and laugh and have meaningful memories with.. I'm stuck with a mom who pays more attention to her boyfriend's two sons than she does her own son. And I will be having Thanksgiving with her and 3 strangers! Instead of my actual family.." you wanted as tears of frustration fell down your face. You held your head in your hands and Mikey placed a hand around you and pulled you in.

You cried on his shoulder for a good couple minutes but he didn't mind. He rubbed your back, he hugged you, he tried telling jokes, he said reassuring things to you. He was doing his best but from what he could take in, is that you need to just cry. And that's okay. He smiled and held you close through your entire 20 minute crying session and you two slowly started drifting into slumber. You laid down on his plastron and he ruffled your hair, you two closed your eyes and you fell asleep.

Even though Thanksgiving is gonna be rough, at least you have him.

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