"We will survive."|Casey x male turtle mutant reader|

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sorry for not posting! this is part 1 of idk how many parts! after this i will be working on requests


Leo was trying to beat Donnie's stack record on the bridge. Donnie flew up and you were on his back. "Look who's breaking the pizza box stack record! Mua! You know that's Spanish for Leo?" Leo laughed. "Sorry to break it to you my nonlingual friend, but my record sticks till you reach the top. And from the wind speeds and pressure it seems to be difficult.'' Donnie laughed. "I dunno Don, I think Leo can do it," you smiled. "With my calculations if you believe in yourself you can do anything!" Mikey smiled while using his mystic powers to climb up. Leo smiled and you all started chanting for him except for donnie of course.

Leo made it to the top and jumped in joy and you jumped off of donnie and jumped with leo. "Yes!!!! Let's go!!" you yelled cheering with leo. Raph came over and started lecturing you boys. You rolled your eyes taking some pizza and eating it.

-time skip-

You all were chilling in the lair. You were talking with Mikey when you heard April grunting as if she was carrying something. You walk over to the entrance to the lair to see her with a guy around her shoulders. You looked confused. "Need help April?" you asked and she nodded. You took his arm over your shoulder and April took his other over hers. You two brought him in and the brothers looked just as confused as you did and so did splinter. Leo helped you and April placed the stranger in the chair and raph used duck tape to bind him to the chair just in case. You felt bad for the guy but you backed away from him and April started explaining.

"Then I saw that picture and brought him here, '' she noted. "It's you..it's all of you! I'm so happy I could hug you!" he smiled and went for a hug but the chair fell down. You were curious so you walked over to him but raph grabbed the ends of your (f/c) mask to stop you, he was always protective of you since you were the smallest of them, ya know being a pond turtle and all. But anyways. You stopped and he walked over and picked the chair up, somehow the projector turned on and raph took out the picture of all of you. "Who are you? And how do you have this  picture of us?" raph asked. "Yeah, who took this cus i look amazing!'' Leo chimed in, flipping the strings of his bandana like a hair flip. Mikey ran over and took out his phone, "what's your favorite pizza? cuz i'll order it right now!" he said, getting ready to dial the pizza guy.

Donnie ran over and chimed in also, "Why are you wearing Genius Built Apparel!? That's trademarked." he said getting close to the stranger but then activated a grappling hook that attached to the ceiling and pulled him up. Utter chaos broke out just at that minute. You sat down criss-crossed on the floor watching it play out. Donnie got hit in the face first with it and mikey tried making sure he wasn't dead, april was ready to fight. Raph was panicking and Leo was trying to steal popcorn from splinter. You were laughing so hard you couldn't breathe.

"W-wait stop! Let me explain! My name is Casey Jones and the reason I have that picture and your tech is because you gave it to me but not yet. Because I'm from..the future." he made it all dramatic and you walked over to him. "I don't believe that for a second! First of all, if you're from the future, how did you get here? Second of all, what are we? Fiction? I doubt it's possible." you noted and donnie chimed in, cutting the wire of the grappling hook, "yeah, if time travel really was possible then future donnie would have come back and given me all the lottery numbers, like we planned...." Donnie said smugly. "I know what this sounds like but..master leonardo gave me a mission." he sighed. You crossed your arms in a pout due to your questions not being answered. "I do like how he called me master." Leo smuggly said at raph. "Of course I do! You were the most amazing ninja the world has ever seen! You gave me this mission. You told me to find the key and stop the kraang." Casey said sternly. You got worried but skeptical.

"Pfft sure...this story just keeps getting better" April chuckled. Splinter turned off the projector. And had a panicked look on his face. You looked over, "splints?" "dad?" you and april asked in unison. He started explaining the kraang and your face felt pale. Casey nodded along with splinter. "So..he's really from the future?.." you said, your eyes wide with shock. "Someone found the key today. They steal it and open the portal to the kraang. Master Leonardo drew a picture of it on the back of that photo.'' Casey said pointing to the photo. You walked up to the raph and took the picture. You looked on the back and the brothers looked at Leo -who lost it to the foot clan an hour or 2 ago- and growled in anger. Leo looked at it then at you and your brothers and looked away with a cold sweat down his forehead. "Yeah....did future, handsome, amazing me tell you what to do in case that already happened? Cause.... that already happened." Leo smiled nervously as Splinter flung a piece of popcorn at him.  Casey's face was horrified, "no..we're too late.." he hung his head low. You stood up and looked at everybody already defeated. "No we aren't! We know who has the key! We just need to find them and I think I know where." you smiled trying to pump up your brothers. Raph looked at Leo, "and this time we do.it.together. '' he sternly said to your blue brother. They take their leave.

-time skip-

You and your brothers, father, april, and casey sat waiting for the foot clan to stop talking but they just wouldn't shut it. You got annoyed and finally said, "Boringgggg" you groaned. "Wha- (Y/n)!" raph yelled angrily. "What? They kept talking and talking." you groaned once more. "There!" Casey yelled pointing to the key. Your eyes locked on it as you and everyone else jumped down. "Don't let them interfere with the ceremony!" the leader of the clan yelled as soldiers ran at you all. "He's unlocking the door!!" Casey yelled. "Casey go! We have got you covered!" you and leo said, leo opened a portal to send Casey over. Casey goes to hit the leader but he dodges.

A purple light came from the doorway and it pushed everyone away. You rush over with Leo to Casey's aid with your med kit. You were more of the healer of the brothers. "Oh no...they're here!" Casey yelled. You saw tentacles come from the portal and 3 monsters come from it. Your eyes widen in fear. "I'm finally...Free!!" the taller kraang yells, "this planet will pay for what it's done to me." he states. You hear raph run up from bhind you,Leo and casey. "Welcome to earth-" he gets his power ready. "-i hope you don't enjoy your stay!" he says, striking at the tall  kraang. He held raph away with his arms..tentacles? Uhh whatever they are. And wraps it around Ralph's neck. "Raph!" you yell and grab your weapon and with your other brothers and casey and april, you all go to strike the leader, he pushes you all away. You landed right in front of the kraang while everyone else was pushed back. "That's enough!" he yelled and threw a sonic wave. You felt weird, like part of you was being taken away. You blocked it or at least tried to with your arms. It ended. You go to use your mystic powers but it doesn't work. "No." you mutter worried.

"Brother. Sister. Join me." two other kraang come through the portal. "Time for us to finish remaking this world into the image of Kraang!" the taller one said, "oh ive waited for this day." you assume female kraang said. "Indeed." the taller one said. The taller one turned to the smaller one. "Brother, widen the portal so we can retrieve the technodrome" the smaller one nods and turns to the portal. You're stunned, shocked.

"Oh, if you two don't mind, I haven't killed anything in ages." she smiled evilly, the taller one nodes and she flew in front of you and started attacking, you use your sythe to hold her back. Raph ran over, "Y/n! Move!" he yells and you gladly move back to see raph become a cannon ball and move her out the way but she immediately went down to your brothers.splinter, and april. There was a loud crash behind you and you look, you see your father under some rubble. You get scared and run over to raph whose digging in the rubble and finds splinter, you have your first aid kit ready to help him but then you look behind yourself and see the chaos that is happening. "They Are too strong..raph." you look at him. "We need to retreat.." you say sorrowful. He nodded and yelled at Donnie, "Donnie! Retreat pods! Now!" he yells.

"You don't have to tell me twice!'' Donnie yelled, swiping his wrist band, little square things  started flying out to people. You get zipped up and watch in what feels like slow motion, the most disturbing thing to ever see. Leo pressed his buckle and ran out. You see raph do the same you realized once it was too late. You start banging on the pod as it flies away. Tears filled your eyes.

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