"Full of Laughter" |Donnie x Female Sea Turtle reader|

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Requested by: @Dwatk16 

this is a female reader and also a sea turtle reader! also sorry Dwatk it is short, and may be boring, i tried my best! i've been on writers block ;v;


You smiled while swimming in the water. You were thinking about this year. You got turned into this mutant, then you met a boy and then a few months later that boy turned to your boyfriend. Crazy. You didn't mind though. You felt footsteps vibrating the water and so you poked your head up, your skin glinting in the sun. you saw your boyfriend donnie, you smiled and started to get out of the water to the dock, you smiled and hugged him. He didn't mind the fact that you were wet from the water.

If anything he liked the coldness on his skin and sell.

''So, how's the swimming with the fins going?" he asked.

"Oh it's going good! They make it so much easier actually!" you smiled flexing your webbed hands.

"Well, you're very pretty in the sunlight.." his face turned pink slightly and he looked away.

You chuckled and kissed him on the cheek. His face turned redder but he didn't mind, he took your hand and you two started walking to the mystic pizzeria. You two stood waiting to be seated.

A waiter walked over, "table for 2 for the happy couple?~" the waiter said smiling.

You laughed at it and donnie just chuckled. You two got seated and you sat across from donnie. Yu smiled at him and you started talking

"So, what have you been up to bub?" you asked, he started ranting about his work and you honestly loved hearing himrant, it's so interesting hearing what he does on a daily basis. He was talking about Shelldon and how annoying he was being with his new update.

"Hun it sounds like he is being a teenager, you remember what that's like. You're only 14 so like, give him a break" you laughed and he sighed defeatingly.

"Like always my amazing and smart girlfriend is right." he admits and you chuckled at it. You look back at the menu and so does donnie, you both agreed on (your favorite pizza) and went back to talking about random things, you found him so interesting and always so happy around him.

The pizza came out and you two gladly ate, donnie's slice was very cheesy and he struggled so you started laughing slightly and he laughed along struggling with his cheese.

-2 hours later-

It was about 7 now and it was already dark. You go outside and donnie follows. You smiled and he held his hand.

"Mind if I walk you home?" you asked him.

"Normally I walk you home?" he questioned.

"Let me be chivalrous today," you smiled.

God how he couldn't say no to that smile and he nodded. You and him start walking through the sewers and you smile once more as you two arrive at the lair.

"There! See just as good! Now I love you! See you tomorrow!!" you smiled and waved to him as you walked.

"Love you too!!!" he yelled back watching you walk away.

That was such a dreamy date, full of laughter.

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