"chico pequeño" |Leo x Male Reader|

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so this one took so long to make becuase of the fact it was a doozy to write. i dont think i will ever writing something like this ever again, also if you made a request i will be working on it after this posted! also some spanish in it so here are translations:

Pequeño montón:  little heap

perra: Bitch

mi hombre: My man

Maldita perra deja de coquetear con mi chico: Damn bitch stop flirting with my boy

chico: boy

pequeña mierda: little shit

chico pequeño: small boy


Leo smiled wide at you through the window as you opened your window for him and chuckled.

"Why are you so giddy all of a sudden?" you smiled holding his hands.

"I have the best surprise for you!" he laughed as he grabbed his katanas and was ready to make a portal, you were quite excited for this surprise and he saw your excitement. He smiled and opened the portal.

"Alrighty! Go ahead!" he smiled, bowing and you walked in. you walked out but it wast what you thought, what the..there where other turtles? They looked weird, but they had the same color masks as the brothers. It confused the hell out of you.

The one with a blue mask walked up to you, he reminded you of leo but you stepped back into the leo you knew.

"Leo?!" you said confused looking at both of them.

"Yes?" they both said in sync.

You stared at them and they stared at each other.

"Uhm, you're very short '' Leo said, walking up to Leonardo and messaging him.

"Don't you be rude to me. I'm the leader of this team. Who are you two." leonardo says pointing to you and leo.

"Uhm alright then, I'm Y/n, and this is Leo?" you said confused.

"I'm sorry, repeat." Leonardo requested.

"I'm Y/n! And this is Leo!" you repeated annoyingly with a growl in your voice.

"But. That's what people call me. And why do you look like me?" Leonardo asked looking at leo.

"Uh not sure, but why are you being a feisty shortie? '' Leo laughed. You kinda just stood there in the middle of them and out of nowhere you see a weird version of you walking in. you make eye contact with him and you two stare at each other.

"Hello....?" you said to the other you.

"Hello??" he answered back.

"Leonardo! Hi hun!" another you smiled and hugged Leo instead of Leonardo and that made both you and Leonardo's blood boil.

"Y/n? I'm over here.'' Leonardo said to the other you and you walked over to Leo and clinged to his arm and shooed the other you away. Leo chuckled at the reaction.

"Leonardo what's going on, why are there 2 of you and another less handsome me?" the other you asked the shorter leo.

"WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?" you asked to be offended.

"Yeah! What 's the big deal Pequeño montón?" leo smiled. Leonardo stared at him in confusion before walking up to him.

"What did you just call me? Plus you can't steal my man like that. Or I'll steal yours.'' Leonardo growled and that made Leo go for his swords.

"Say that again little perra?" he suggested, you knew spanish thanks to him but you never thought he would swear.

Leonardo smirked and walked up to you, he took your hand and placed one of his hands on your back and bent you down to your back and you stared at him in confusion. The other you stared in anger and stormed off, oh dear are they gonna have a chat later.

"Aye what you doing to mi hombre!?'' Leo growled and took you back holding you close to his plastron, you were so confused. Were you being fought over? But the short leo has a boyfriend? Why was he- oh he's trying to prove something maybe? Or maybe he's poly? Ugh you were so confused but a pulling on your arm pulled you out of your thoughts, it was the smaller leo pulling you close to him.

You pulled away and saw Leo cursing the smaller Leo out.

"Maldita perra deja de coquetear con mi chico." leo growled. You understood all of it and your eyes widened.

"Stop speaking like that. I can't understand you." the smaller leo growled back.

"Both of you stop!" you finally budded in.

"Leo! You said we would be doing something special tonight! What happened!?" you felt anger build up inside. "Answer me chico." you growled at leo.

"I-i know this wasn't supposed to happen but this pequeña mierda is being rude and touchy with you." he looked away in frustration.

"I know. I can't help myself but it's hard to do when you two are arguing and not thinking about ways to help it!" you sighed, rubbing the bridge of your nose.

"O-okay.. Sorry..''Leo rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm still here." the smaller leo mentioned.

"Yeah we know. Now Leo honey..let's go home, we can watch something at my place okay?" you smiled, placing a hand on Leo's arm. He reached for his katanas and made a portal. He looked back at the smaller leo with a glare. You walked in and it was your home.

"See you later chico pequeño~" he smirked and walked into the portal.

Leonardo was so confused but ignored it and went along with his day.

"What movie?" and with that question you and your leo sat on the bed and enjoyed a good movie. Laughing and talking about what happened.

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