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Yep before y'all ask it is Scorps Likes 1836758 comments 73859BestPotter : congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 I'm gonna be the fave 1stpotter : no I will  congratulations lil ps where r u Lil<3malfoy : I'm at grimald with hu and Scorp Rosie

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Yep before y'all ask it is Scorps

Likes 1836758 comments 73859
BestPotter : congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 I'm gonna be the fave
1stpotter : no I will  congratulations lil ps where r u
Lil<3malfoy : I'm at grimald with hu and Scorp
Rosie.posie : congratulations 👏🎉🎉👏
Roxie.gurl : yasssss SLAY
Elder.weasley : congrats lil 💖💖
Forgotten.boi : yess a baby I can sit
Teddy bear.l : I'ma be the fave ofcorce 
Malfoy<3lil : luv u bb I will always be with u and support and help u no matter what 💖💖💖💖
Lil<3malfoy : thank you all much
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