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I woke up to find that  this beautiful Prego finally showing  love you and are baby and always will no matter what

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I woke up to find that  this beautiful Prego finally showing  love you and are baby and always will no matter what

Likes 68268 comments 9373
1stpotter : ahhhhh my eyes ps again congrats 🎉 but still my eyes
Best.potter : is that what she really sleeps in
Malfoy<3lil : James STFU Al  not normally i  was tired and didn't take the effort to get pj on -lil
Lain.hover : love u SLAY 💗💖❤️💖💗💕
Lil<3malfoy : ty lain but u cute 🥰 today probably u guy did not see my hair in the morning today
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I will start posting other couples in a bit just to not make it to much of one thing

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