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since evryone asking me about my school mgongal let me take owls and evry test i need to graduate and i got full marks on evrything and i will be able to get heler traning when im redy and scorpius took his tests and got all marks so we will trava...

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since evryone asking me about my school mgongal let me take owls and evry test i need to graduate and i got full marks on evrything and i will be able to get heler traning when im redy and scorpius took his tests and got all marks so we will traval to malfoy manor,burrow,grimald ,and hogwarts  and more but i will mosty stay at hogwarts in a privut room with scorp to take care of her

likes 31432 comments 2389
lu.hover : thank you for telling us as most where confused
lain.hover : also lu says babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy in a very demonic voice
1stpotter : thats my baby neice yall
bestpotter : lily have mum wach her i whant a sibling slepover
lil<3malfoy : no with her
franky.2 : my baby goduarter idk how to spel it chill
roxie.gurl : ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh babyyyy ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
hu.go.away : chill wolfy
teddybear.l : ????? ^ expalin
lil<3malfoy : roxie wolfy, me prongs ,hugo nibbles  ,scorp orkin, wolfy=wolf patournus ,prongs =stag ,nibbles = otter ,orkin = scorpion  
teddy.bear.l : ty lunabug

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kinda whant to make them anamagi idk an dchapter comeingf soon

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