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cant get hungover if didnt stop driking plant_alice

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cant get hungover if didnt stop driking plant_alice

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lil<3malfoy : yes you can girl ask my mum or anyone in the fam older than you -mum
elder.weasly : lol aunt ginny stole lils phone and then jamie posted it and now it is just me lil and al + minnervra and the twinns in the room becus ginny is chasing james for trying to steal lils phone for lil and teddy is in the loo hideing from lils anger
1stpotter : and now Im gronDEd
bestpotter : and luky for you you dont get yore phone ttokkend when grounded
ginny_potter : and that is becaus you are not the person who like the phone over outside james and lily when if you get grounded be lucky you get your phone
lil<3malfoy : but mum you take away are brooms and being abel to leave are streat/burrow inside and we cant go ouside then and who got you an instgram acout
ginny_potter : menervra,rose and albus
lil<3malfoy : trators ima teach aunt hemione to get it now rosie.posie
rosie.posie : you win lils and how did this become of my comments
lil<3malfoy : good game rosie but to late i alredy got her an acount

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