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visiting the potters geting baby fever even tho one is gonna be comming in like a lot of moths lol

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visiting the potters geting baby fever even tho one is gonna be comming in like a lot of moths lol

likes2322394 comments 23734
blond.weasley.2 : ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i what to stell her
forgoten.boi : lily and scopius gentics are the best looking SLAY
mo.mo : ahhhhh baby are we ever gonna get over on how cute baby drom is
lil<3malfoy : nope as i still cant beleve it
1st.potter : lets hope r mums dont kill echother tho 
teddy.bear.l : it has only got worce since grandbabies have started to come it is all comotition
1/4veela : je n'utiliserais jamais mes petits-enfants comme un outil contre la soeur de mon propre mari
lil<3malfoy : transltion is =i would never use my grandbabys as a tool agenst my own husbans sister 
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