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lyra.malfoy (she is 18 )

mum please just hold on we all love you you cant go yet lily and scorp have the first of probloy meany grandbabies that will all call you nama or something we all love you but we all dont whant you to suffer

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mum please just hold on we all love you you cant go yet lily and scorp have the first of probloy meany grandbabies that will all call you nama or something we all love you but we all dont whant you to suffer

likes 23480 commnents 5
ginny_potter : honey we are all hear for you all
lily<3malfoy : love come to the monor draco is there go get sleep 
lyra.malfoy : ok fine but im still steling adromada for when you boith see her
pan.z : we are all heare for you
patt.patt : why havent you texted me
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sleeping baby to defuse the tenction

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sleeping baby to defuse the tenction

likes 32683793 commnets 0

chat lyra,lil,scorpi

lil: lyra what happend with u and patt
lyra : i dont whant to talk about it
scorpi: he is the resom she left she was being hurt by him i didnt know till know and now he is trying to get back with her
lil : im so sorry lyra but here is a pic of babi and my baby brother

lil: lyra what happend with u and pattlyra : i dont whant to talk about it scorpi: he is the resom she left she was being hurt by him i didnt know till know and now he is trying to get back with her lil : im so sorry lyra but here is a pic of babi...

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lyra: thanks lil ima save it flemot is the cutest i think its just the wotter fam looks

wotter is wealey and potter

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