update /why i havent been posting

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first of i will not discontinue the story. it will be on my own time that i post . i will uplad when i am able to mentaly , as my mental problens are hitting hard since the 9th and i  curenty have writer block but i do whant to say next gens houses and sexuality

huffulpuff (mine)
Teddy lupin pan / non-binary

Lucy wealsley ally


Scorpius malfoy   pan

Albus potter   dosent know

lily luna potter bi

Hugo weasley ally

Roxane weasley queer


James sirius  potter gay

Fred 2nd ally

Molly weasley 2nd ally


Rose weasley dosent kow/ care

Victoire weasley pan

Louis weasley aro-ace

Domunique weasley lesbian

soon i might do birthdays and i will put the chaper number as what it is to alighn with paged so if it is page 48 i wont put in like 43 i will put 48 (just an idea on how it works )

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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