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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i just found aunt fleur pictures in her phone and this is of the cusins elder

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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i just found aunt fleur pictures in her phone and this is of the cusins elder.wesley blond.wesley.2 forgoten.boi hehe

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lil<3malfoy : oh god hugo nice talking to you ima start the funaral
forgoten.boi : not me i told him to do it
lil<3malfoy : oop 2 fuarals now
elder.wesley : commence à courir petit garçon tu es parti
blond.wesley.2 : commence à courir petit garçon tu es parti et mort pour moi tu es
lil<3malfoy : cuz ur  cant handle french words vic said start running little boy you are gone and dom said start running little  boy you're gone and dead to me you are
   (commets disabled )

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