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Bump check before visiting mum Potter

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Bump check before visiting mum Potter

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Hu.go.away : lily tell Andromeda to stop getting so big ahhh
Rosie.posie : tomorrow let hang out
Bestpotter : ahhhhhhh that's my niece there and Hugo she would if she could cuz she can barely walk and has to pee every 10 seconds it seems like
Roxie.gurl : I'm baby sitting when date. Nights happen
Lil<3malfoy : thank you albie for exposing your own sis and yes please do baby sit Roxie



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 Minerva is sleeping during these pictures with flemontLily you are going to be the best mum and you already are the best sister and wtf James and Albus you took my phone to do this  and a picture of Mrs dogo like 4 mouth's ago yes she grew that f...

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Minerva is sleeping during these pictures with flemont
Lily you are going to be the best mum and you already are the best sister and wtf James and Albus you took my phone to do this  and a picture of Mrs dogo like 4 mouth's ago yes she grew that fast

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I'm thinking of having lily give birth soon how many post should I do before the birth announcement it needs to be at least 2 and thank you for the read

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