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They made me a chair perks of being Prego lain

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They made me a chair perks of being Prego lain.hover,lu.lu

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Lu.lu : cuz u a queen
Lain.hover : yep
Lil<3malfoy : I haven't picked godparents yet and they are trying to win me over lol
Lu.lu : thx for the calling out
Lil<3malfoy : welcome 😁
Mo.mo : u being desperate Lucy
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Blond.weasley.2 : sista
Teddybear.l : 🥰 cutie
Hu.go.away : ugly 😬
Teddybear.l : u better run boi
Hu.go.away : already am running 🏃🏻‍♂️
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Tagged elder

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Tagged elder.weasley, blonde.weasley.2, forgotten.boi ,teddybear.l,bestpotter,lil<3Malfoy,rosie.posie,hu.go.away ,roxie.gurl,best.prank.boi,mo.mo, lu.lu,lain.hover
Had fun with fam + lain. Victorie was of cam with me for the last pic  and it was her and me being the only morning people. The middle the other went swimming  the top one is lain,lil,lu,Roxie

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Again to lazy to do comments

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