2,3: "A cry for help"

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Word Count: 591 Words

"Dinner was...something. Wasn't it?" Harry asks Jamie, as the two of them enter Harry's bedroom, temporarily shared between the two and Aster.

"It was." Jamie laughs, plopping towards the single sized bed.

"And when Dudley's face went pale!" Harry cackles out of laughter as Jamie opens her suitcase trunk and gets out the Marauder's Map.

"By the way," She begins, "Lupin gave me back the map." She throws the map at Harry.

"Why?" He asks, turning around to make eye contact with Jamie, who shrugs.

"'Cause he resigned from the Defense Against the Dark Arts post." She gets out a blanket and three pillow from her trunk, "I'm beginning to think that subject post is cursed."

"You really think so?" Harry sits on his bed.

"Yeah." Jamie nods, carrying Aster, while humming to put him into a sleeping state, "You don't think that?"

"I've just never looked at it that way." He opens Jamie's phone and opens Netflix to watch something, "But I think it is. Judging by the fact that Professor Quirrell carried Voldemort on the back of his head.

And Professor Lockhart attempted to erase my memory but he erased his instead."

"Now that's some crazy shit." Jamie sits down beside her brother, sighing, "I wonder when Ia will call us."

"Yeah." Harry frowns, resting his head on her right shoulder as he grabs his nephew from her, "You go sleep tonight."

"Are you sure?" She raises her eyebrow.

"I'm sure." He confirms, "It's the least I could do for you staying with me this summer."

"Alright." She laughs, kissing her son on his forehead.

"Besides, Aster's cute. I could never say no to this face." Harry stands up as Jamie settles on the bed, "'night, Harry."

"Goodnight, Jamie." He grins, " 'Goodnight, mommy'." He kneels beside the bed, as Aster grips Jamie's left cheek.

"Ow, sweetie." She massages her left cheek with a smile on her face and closes her eyes shut, dozing off to sleep.

Why did Professor Lupin resign from Defense Against the Dark Arts? Was he doing this just to protect us students, or is the subject post just plainly cursed? Harry ponders in thought as he stands up and pats Aster's back from time to time, trying to put him to sleep.

He stares at the window in front of him—the glistening moonlight vaguely making its was towards the wooden floor.

A gray owl pecks on the window, a letter tied up to its left leg, causing him to open the window as quietly as he could.

Harry sighs and snatches the letter from the leg and silently closes the window, and takes a seat on his wooden bed to carefully peel the envelope open, revealing a mossy green snake logo with "From, Blaise Zabini" handwritten under the logo.

He unfolds the letter and starts to read,

Jamie, I need help to escape my house. I need to get out of here. My mum's a (what do you call it?) bitch, and her husband's an alcoholic.

He tried to choke her to death. I don't want to be in that place. I don't want to be in this house.

Please help me. I'm begging you. Don't call the Ministry. Don't call anyone. Just place. Help. Me.

Jamie flaps her arms in the air and turns to her left, mumbling something.

Harry immediately re-folds the letter and puts it back on the envelops as the way it was shown to him.

Aster opens his hazel brown eyes wide open and begins to cry as loudly as he could.

Harry shushes him and stands up from his seat and begins to hum, patting his back as he felt nothing but pity to the Zabini boy.

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