II. Is Everything Okay?

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I fill my tray with food and make my way through the crowd to sit outside. I pause to find someone to sit with and I see Stiles and Malia at their own table, and they're not sitting across from each other, they're sitting next to each other. I try not to let it bother me...they are together...this is what couples do.

My eyes wander some more until I see Scott beckoning to come sit with him and Kira.

"Hi," Kira smiles, then looks at Scott who returns the favor.

"So what are we going to do?" I mumble distractedly. I'm trying to keep my eyes off their table, just for a second-

"Lydia, just leave it alone." is Scott needs to tell me before I back off. If only I was a werewolf and not a pathetic banshee, then I could scratch Malia's eyes out in one vicious swipe-

"Lydia? Are you even listening?" Kira snaps.

"What? No, sorry? What were you saying?"

Kira sighs along with Scott and continues to idly play with her food. Kira gives me a look questioning my psychosis. Scott just shakes his head and raises his eyebrows at me.

"Well, we might not be the best, but we're always here to talk, Lydia," Kira reminds me quietly, and Scott seconds that with a nod.

"Great. Now I have Beacon Hills's finest to help me out. A fox and a wolf."

"See you in class." Kira simply says, as her and Scott walk away to get to their next class. I'm left by myself, again, to think of the joys of single life and whatnot as my crush is making out with another girl. I'll be fine.
Walking to class again is dull. When I take my seat, all I do is stare at the clock. Tick, tick, tick. Tick, tick, tick.

I write down the homework, and jot down some notes haphazardly. Time passes as quickly as ever so that I can just leave and think about something else.
I'm walking to my locker and mentally checking off a list of what I need when a finger taps me lightly on the shoulder. I immediately turn around and am surprised to see Stiles standing in front of me, his dark hair strewn about, and hanging loosely across his forehead. He probably just got out of lacrosse tryouts.

"Lydia, hey, I was, uh, just wondering if, um," Stiles isn't looking me in the eyes and he's fidgeting with his hands.

"Yes, Stiles?" I say with confidence. I'm honestly afraid about what he's about to ask.

"Do you want a ride home? I was just noticing that Scott and Kira left, and I know your car is still in the shop, so...?"

"Sure." I give Stiles a non-chalant nod and unlock my locker.

"So, when you're ready, Malia and I'll be in the Jeep."

"Okay, got it..." I smile weakly, then continue to get my books.

Stiles and MALIA? Malia? Since when is she coming? Couldn't she just sniff her way home or something?! And with Malia around, I know exactly what this means. It means sitting in the horrid backseat. Of course, that's all I need, a front row seat to Malia and Stiles hanging all over each other. I am really starting to miss my car.
I follow Stiles through the front doors. Finally after a couple more long paces I can see the jeep. Stiles walks up and opens up the back door for me.

"So you can go ahead and get in..." He sidetracks, scratching his head without purpose. Maybe he does feel just as weird as me right now...
He then gets into the driver's seat and starts up the car.


"Yeah, Lydia?" He immediately stops backing out just to look me in the eye.

"Do you need directions to my house, or-"

"I remember."


The rest of the drive is silent, apart from strange whispered conversations exchanged between Stiles and Malia.

I try to tune his voice out of my head, and just focus on my eyes resting on the horizon. I don't want to think about him and Malia anymore.

After what seems like hours, we pull up to my house. I hurriedly pick up my bag and books, and I try to close the door behind me, but instead I accidentally drop my history book.

"Hey, do you need some help?" Stiles offers. Without waiting for me to answer, he takes one of my books from the stack I'm holding.

"Thanks," I purse my lips together so that I don't say something stupid. We casually start to walk up the path to my front door when Stiles stops in his tracks.

"Anytime...and there's kind of something that I wanted to bring up for awhile but we haven't had any time to talk about it..."

"What is it?" I ask nervously.

"I can't help but notice that you've been acting really distant lately, almost like you don't want me around or something...?"

I can feel my cheeks heating up already at his mention of my odd behavior.

"Is everything okay? I mean, did I ever say anything to upset you?"

"No, I don't think so."

"It's just that since things are different now, and-"

"Stiles-don't worry about it." My heart is beating at a fast rhythm to the point that I hope that he doesn't hear it from where he's standing.
Stiles glances back at the car where Malia is sitting in the front seat with a textbook.

"Yeah...I better get back to Malia-I don't want to keep her waiting...See you at school." And with that, he jogs back to the jeep to drive Her Majesty home.
I better get back to Malia? I miss when we used to talk about anything and everything...I miss...
Well...I miss Stiles.

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