III. Tear Me Down

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Angry, I run into my house. I sit down at the bottom of the stairs, and my mom walks towards me and sits down next to me.
"How was your day?" She asks.
"Lydia, are you sure everything's-"
"Mom, I'm fine. Just leave me alone." I pick up my things and race up the stairs, stomping into my room, and slamming the door behind me. Why today? Why not any other day?
Why does he continue to prioritize everyone but me?
I can just see it-Stiles is probably making out with Malia in his room over textbooks and notes, without a thought of me ever crossing his mind. He probably thinks that I'm just a flirt that can't stand to be alone. I feel so worthless because it is true-I can't stand to be alone. When I thought I didn't like Stiles, I was moving from guy to guy just because I needed someone to hold me at night. And then Aiden died. And then my best friend died...Allison...the only person who really took me for who I was as a banshee-I felt like I was going insane. After everything, the only person that was ever there for me was Scott-he felt my pain about Aiden, because he lost Allison. We're getting through that together because he was still in love with her, and she was my best friend.
And during all of this, I lost Stiles too. He chose to run off with Malia without even considering that I needed him as a friend. Over the summer, the only news I ever got about Stiles was through Scott. I miss when Stiles cared. I miss when he worried about me. I miss when my life was consistent, and when there were things to look forward to...
Turning my head toward the mirror, I notice that my makeup is running down my face in black streams. I try to wipe the tears from my face, but they won't budge, and I don't know why. My mind starts to throb, like a massive headache, taking over everything. The tears seem to have solidified on my cheeks, but more also flow thickly, smelling of salt. My head's going to explode any minute now, and I can barely see. My eyes are stinging with a familiar pain of a cut. My tears are blood.
Scott. Pick. Up. Phone. Help.
More blood is streaming down my face as I call Scott.
Yes. I think he's picking up. My eyes are still bleeding and my breathing is tight.
"Hi Lydia, what's going on?"
"Scott-help me-I don't know what's happening to me-"
"Lydia-just talk to me-tell me what's up-is it about Stiles? Do you know something?"
"Yes and no-"
"What does that mean?"
"It means that-" an agonizing pain hits my chest, like someone has reached through and tore my lungs out.
My throat lets out a ragged scream that radiates throughout the rafters of the house, vibrates through the trees and shakes the ground all around me.
Suddenly, I hear a voice from the other line, sounding worried.
"Is that Lydia?!" Stiles chokes from the other side of the line.
"We need to make sure she's okay, but I don't think you should come-I'm sure she would thank me if I prevented you from seeing her like this."
"Scott, she needs me...I'm her friend too, you know. I need to be there for her..."
"Okay, man...just don't blame me when- wait...Lydia,we'll be there okay?"
I hear a click and that's the end of it. I hope that this will all be over with soon.

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