XVII. Semper Fidelis

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Scott and I talk about the possibilities involving mountain ash, and how it could've been used to get the better of Stiles. I find myself leaning on his shoulder, and sink into a lethargic cloudy state. As my eyelids flutter, I am abruptly jerked back to reality.

"You guys go back to the house and get some sleep. Stiles won't be awake for a while still." Melissa says. She smiles weakly at both of us, and turns around, disappearing in the hustle and bustle of the hospital hall.


When Scott opens the door of the car for me, I get in. Soon we're driving, and I'm trying not to cry.

Scott sighs, and reaches over and touches my shoulder in the darkness. "Lydia, are you okay?"

I feel so dumb, but I can't help the tears. "No. No I'm not. Every time I walk out of that wretched hospital, I feel like everything is my fault. And when I think about it for long enough, I realize, yes, everything is my fault...I should just tell him...tell him about his mom before it's too late..." I finally stop blubbering, and Scott lets me cry into the shoulder of his long sleeve shirt.

"It's not your fault. You'll never figure anything out if you keep blaming yourself." He turns the ignition off. "C'mon, we're here."

I drag myself into the house, and sit on the couch while Scott finds some blankets for me to use. He turns off the lights, and hands them to me.

"Goodnight, Lydia."

"Scott? Can you stay down here? You can sleep wherever you want, but can you just stay close?" Even in the dark, I see him nod, and after going upstairs and getting his pillow, he sits next to me.

For a while I think he's fallen asleep, until he speaks up. "Is Stiles still acting on and off?"

"I don't know what to do...but I wish I did."

"Come here," Scott pulls me to his chest, closing the space between us.

"He'll be okay...right?"

"He has to be."

I feel as if I can breathe and a weight has been taken off me. To be close to him takes some of my pain, and takes an edge off the emptiness for a single night. His chest rises and falls, and I finally have a reason to smile. His heart is beating, and he's here with me. What a feeling it is to fall asleep in the arms of Scott McCall.


I wake up to a dim light. As I sit up, I see Scott picking up his brown leather jacket. He takes a look at his phone, probably checking for messages.

My stomach lurches when I remember it's Monday. "Scott, what time is it?"

"Don't worry about school," he tells me. "I was actually just heading to the hospital...Stiles woke up."

I debate it for a second. Do I want to see him? "I'll come with you," I say. "I'll be right back."

I slip into Scott's bathroom and wash off my excess makeup. After rinsing out my mouth with some Listerine and pulling my hair up into a bun, I'm ready.


Scott locks the door behind us, as I look around. The sky is a light grey.

"I can drive," I mention to Scott. He nods, and gets in the car. I open the door and take another look around. The air is cold; foreboding.

"What is it?" Scott asks me.

"Nothing." I close the door, and apply some lip balm.

While I start up the car, I look at Scott in the mirror. "What?"

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