IV. The After Effects

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I feel bumping underneath me and the ground is moving. I'm pretty sure I'm in a car. Someone is holding my hand, and tracing patterns across my palm.
"Oh my god...her eyes are fluttering-I think she's waking up, Scott!" Stiles exclaims, his voice sounding closer than I had anticipated.
I blink two or three times until my vision becomes clearer.
"Lydia," Stiles whispers. I'm laying in his lap, his arms supporting my head.
"You have no idea what I would do if-"
"Okay...She seems to be fine, but her pulse is still weak. We're almost there anyway." Scott says from the driver's seat. I had begun to forget that he was there.
"Where are we going?" I wonder aloud.
"Eichen House. We thought it was important that you get tested."
"What?" I shoot up in a panic. "Eichen House?"
Stiles gently pushes my shoulders back so that I am laying on top of him again. "Lydia, he's just being a jerk. We're going to the clinic."
"Not appreciated, Scott."
"Remember that I'm the one with access to wolfsbane," Stiles cooly remarks, with a glare at the mirror to Scott.
"Can we focus please? Lydia almost died a couple of minutes ago."
Scott turns off the car, and Stiles rushes out of the backseat before me and lightly touches the small of my back as I maneuver myself out of the car.
"Don't you think-" Scott cuts in.
"Shut up-" Stiles hisses.
"I can handle myself." I say, almost with too much certainty.
They both give me a harsh stare, and I ignore them, as I walk into the veterinarian hospital alone.
Each of us gets a chance to ask Deaton about all of our daily supernatural struggles. As he's looking for some solutions to try and remove the blood from my face, I explain the incident. The further in detail I get, the more Stiles's shoulders twitch. Neither Deaton nor Scott blinks. It must be the unpleasant image I created of the blood.
"I haven't seen this very much in banshees...from time to time, but not often at all. The bleeding eyes of the banshee signifies the overwhelming of both the mind and the physical body. Has anything been troubling you greatly? Only extreme stress that takes over completely can cause an event such as the one you described." Deaton speculates as he hands me a plastic package of wet wipes.
"Well, yes...I would say." I glance at Scott, who nods.
Stiles is smiling at something he sees on his phone, which he holds up. "Hey guys! Malia's dog is feeling better!"
"Bad timing, Stiles." Scott snaps on my behalf.
I pull a wipe out of plastic packaging and I notice that I keep on trying to get the blood off my face, but it's not working at all. Stiles pulls up his chair, and takes the wipe from my hand.
"Here, let me do it." He whispers so that only I can hear.
So I move up on my chair so that he can reach. He holds my cheek, and slowly begins to rub off the blackened blood. My skin tingles from his pulse on my cheekbone.
Why do I keep letting this go on? He's so sensual with me, and then when Malia's around, everything is all about her. He goes and pretends to worry about me, and pretends to care about me when really-that's all it is! The only reason Stiles is doing all of this is because he feels sorry for me. He pities me. After three years of having guy after guy, I have no one, and he probably thinks that I'm just a poor little girl that needs to be watched after. And Malia makes him so happy...
"Lydia, are you okay?" Stiles lifts my chin so that he can see my face.
My face is stained with tears again, just normal tears.
"It's just that I don't know-I just-"
Scott interrupts me. "Lydia can I talk to you outside for a sec?"
I nod slowly, and carefully move past Stiles, who still is sitting in front of me. I put his hand back in his lap, and I walk out into the front of the veterinary hospital to have a discussion with Scott.

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