V. Best-Friend Talk

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The breeze outside is frigid and harsh. I don't even know why Scott wants to talk to me right now.
"So, I've been noticing-"
"You've been noticing WHAT?" I snap in Scott's face.
"god...okay. You've just been acting jealous for weeks now. That's all I've sensed ever since a few months ago." Scott's face is filled with confusion. "You know it's funny because that was the exact same time that..."
Scott's face pales slightly."The exact same time that Stiles and Malia started dating." Scott finishes. I think he's piecing it together. "So you..." Scott points at me. "Stiles," then he points toward the clinic with wide eyes.
"Look, I'm going back." I tell him, with annoyance.
"No, I get it. I just never thought you ever felt that way about him, and now Malia..."
"Scott, please don't. I just-I can't talk about this right now. Especially with everything going on; We need to find out what's happening to Stiles before it's too late."
Scott, without a word, follows me back into the clinic. So now he knows. It was bound to happen...Scott is my best friend. He would find out eventually, werewolf senses, or not.
"So what'd you guys talk about?" Stiles asks curiously from a chair in the corner of the room. Scott looks at me nervously. I answer first, otherwise I know Scott will come up with something no one can believe.
"Ummm, nothing in particular. Just...uh...friend stuff..." I flash a fake smile at Stiles, and mentally bang my head against the wall. That was ridiculous! Maybe Stiles will believe our conversation wasn't about him anyway though.
Stiles looks back at me, his eyes confused. Minutes ago I practically slapped him away when he tried to help me out. It's for the best, though. I can't get attached like this or things will get worse for me.
"Guys, it's really late. All of us should be getting home soon anyway. And it's Monday night." I say, looking directly at Scott. I know that his grades are plummeting, and that Ms. Mccall is having financial issues. I know Stiles is struggling ever since the nogitsune took over last year. I'm definitely not the same anymore. We could all use a respite for once from supernatural drama.

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