XXIV. The Stalemate

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When the elevator doors open, a confusing scene lies before our eyes.

Close to the edge of the roof is the Desert Wolf herself, morphed. Her fangs are exposed and she has Melissa by the arm, a razor-sharp claw dangerously close to the carotid artery in her neck.

Derek stands a few feet away, a gun pointed at the Desert Wolf. Her eyes shift from Derek to Scott and I, who walk towards them slowly.

"Not a minute left to spare," she regards Scott condescendingly, her eyes narrowed.

"Scott, please don't panic," Melissa croaks, her face pale as if she's seen a ghost.

Scott nods soberly.

"Young Derek. I knew you'd call for back-up. You don't have the stomach to wave a gun around and actually use it," the Desert Wolf sneers.

"How do you figure that?" Derek retorts.

"Why am I still standing here?"

"We—"Derek motions to Scott and I. "—deserve an explanation for the killings."

My blood runs cold. That's right. She is the one that killed my mother.

"Those?" she laughs. "Those killings were just a formality,"

My hands close into fists at my sides, my fingernails digging into my palms.

"Now for the real reason we're here...our little alpha here has a decision to make,"

Scott's eyes glow red, his claws extending from his fingertips. "What do you want?" he growls. "Money? My head on a pike?"

"I want your word."

Scott stays silent, allowing her to continue.

"You'll stop interfering with the affairs of this city...kill or be killed is the only way it's thrived in the past,"

"If you're asking me to let innocent people die, it's not going to happen. I have to protect them,"

"Then say goodbye to Mommy Dearest," The Desert Wolf abruptly twists Melissa's arm and she screams, a sickening snap ensuing.

"Mom!" Scott yells, his eyes filled with alarm.

"Take another step and I'll rip her throat out,"

Scott carefully turns his eyes to Derek who gives the slightest nod.

Derek pulls the trigger three times, all the bullets sinking into the Desert Wolf's abdomen. She immediately lets go of Melissa, and falls to her knees, clutching her midsection.

"I always hated you," Derek states coldly.

Scott catches Melissa and half-carries her to Derek's care.

"Why do you have a gun?" he asks Derek.

"Not important...I'll get her out of here,"

"Okay." Scott nods, his eyes filled with worry.

Derek carries her into the elevator, and his eyes widen. "Look out!" the doors close, and Scott and I see the Desert Wolf slowly getting to her feet.

The Desert Wolf, even having been shot three times, still has a lot of fight in her. Her and Scott start fist fighting and she manages to punch him in the gut and the jaw, wrecking his center of balance. She straddles him on the floor and slashes her right claw through his stomach, blood spraying onto the concrete.

This is all happening so fast, and I need to do something. I need to think of something. Thankfully, I see an old rusty crowbar and I pick it up. Before the Desert Wolf kills Scott, I swing the crowbar as hard as I can at the back of her head.

It works to some degree; except now the Desert Wolf's energy is directed towards me. Well, better me than Scott. I hold the crowbar securely in one hand, ready to switch if needed. I've never really fought like this before but I have to...for my life.

Each time the Desert Wolf tries to claw at me, I take a step back and swing the crowbar out in front of me to guard my body from harm. On an off time when she lunges forward and leaves her midsection unprotected, I back up out of the way of her claw and I hack at her gunshot wounds with the crowbar, hoping to incapacitate her in some way. She shrieks in pain, but continues to fight.

She takes me by surprise. Instead of trying to claw at me, she approaches me head-on and tries to take the crowbar from me. I'm not fast enough or strong enough to pull it away from her. She overpowers me, snatching the crowbar and throwing it over her shoulder.

The Desert Wolf grabs my throat and slams me down on the concrete. She uses both of her hands to choke me. I feel my eyes tearing up, but I try my hardest to pry her hands off my throat.

She leaves her left hand to hold down my neck, and she lifts her right claw up to tear at my throat.

Is this it? I'm thinking to myself frantically. There was so much more that I wanted to do...so much I wish I had said...

A blurry figure hits the back of the Desert Wolf's head with the same crowbar that I had used. It's Stiles. The blow to her head knocks her out, and I take the opportunity to try and back away the best that I can.

When I get my breath back, I help Scott off the ground.

"Thanks," he says briefly. Then he walks past me, a determined look in his eye. He picks up the Desert Wolf's unconscious body and throws her against the railing wall on the edge of the roof.

He lowers closer to the ground so that he can hear her speak. "Leave Beacon Hills and never look back..." Then, looking disdainfully at the Desert Wolf, Scott turns on his heel and heads for the elevator.

"Or what?" A feeble, croaking response comes from the pile on the ground that is the Desert Wolf.

Scott whips around. His eyes glowing crimson, his fangs exposed, Scott roars. The sound reverberates throughout the sky and shakes the ground beneath our feet. I can feel it in my bones...Scott the Alpha.

Silently, Scott walks into the elevator and holds the doors open. "You guys coming?"

Stiles moves from his frozen position. "Yeah. Let's go."

My eyes still glued to the Desert Wolf, I follow Stiles into the elevator. The doors close and I turn to Scott.

"You're just going to leave her like that?"

"Like what?"


"I'm not a killer, Lydia," Scott looks at me, his eyes honest. "And I doubt it would solve any of our problems,"

"But, Scott, you don't—"

He grabs my arm. "Yes. I do. It won't make you feel better about your mom. I promise."

I shake him off and press the first floor button. "Let's just go find your guys' parents."

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