Chapter 17 part 5

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Linda's pov

It's 1 am we haven't moved from Jessica's bedside, well except when Mick went to change his clothes. My mum arrived shortly after we were allowed to see Jessica she took Nancy and Lee home. Luckily the police were done with the forensics stuff so we were able to go back to the pub we have decided not to open up for a couple of days. There was still no change with Jessica. She is still in a coma and the doctors have said that the next 24 hours are critical so they told us make sure everyone has said there goodbyes. I don't know what I will do without her she has been amazing with the Dean stuff. I always wished that I would die before my kids because I don't want to have to live without them. But we have to keep positive Jessica is fighter she will be fine.

Shirley's pov

When Dean left after Mick left I knew he was going to do something stupid. I didn't see him again until the police came knocking we went to look for him. We were walking past the pub when I heard gun shots. The police ran into the pub and I ran in after them and Dean was being arrested. There was a gun lying on the ground then I heard Mick shout Jessica's name and I looked over and she was lying on the ground bleeding. I left the pub and went back to the BnB. A few hours later I saw Nancy and Lee coming home with Elaine so I decided to go and see if they had any news. ''Hi''I said and they turned around. ''Look I don't want any trouble I just wanted to see how Jessica is'' ''she's not good she is in a coma they have said that the next 24 hours are critical'' ''I am so sorry. I didn't know Dean was going to do that. I am never going to talk to him again you are my family. He isn't any more'' ''Thanks Shirley'' Nancy and Lee said before walking off. ''Oh and Shirley I would advise going to the hospital and telling my mum and dad and Jessica the same thing.'' ''ok''. I went back to the BnB and called a taxi and went to the hospital.

Mick's pov

Me and Linda were sitting at Jessica's bedside. When I saw Shirley walking in I didn't want her to upset Linda so I told her I was going to get a drink and walked out. ''What do you want'' ''Look Mick I really don't want trouble I want to apologise to you and Linda and I was hoping I could speak to Jessica. I know she is in a coma but she might still hear me and I have to say sorry to her'' ''fine but first you have to say sorry to Linda.'' ''Of course'' ''wait here''. I went back into Jessica's room. ''L Shirley is here, before you say anything she wants to apologise to you and she wants to talk to Jessica'' ''fine'' we walked back outside. ''I'm listening'' Linda said. ''Linda I am so sorry I should have believed you but I guess I didn't want to believe that he was capable of doing something like that and I promise you I didn't know he was going to hurt Jessica. I am never talking to him you are my family both of you, I have disowned him as a son.Do you forgive me'' ''I forgive you'' Linda said. ''Linda and I will go and get a cup of tea so you can talk to Jessica on your own'' ''thank you'' Linda went back in and grabbed my bag and we headed towards the coffee machine.

Shirley's pov

After I apologised to Linda and Mick they went to get a cup of tea so I could talk to Jessica on my own. I went into her room and sat down. I took her hand in mine. ''Jessica it's Shirley I don't know if you can hear me and I know you probably hate me but I had to talk to you in case you didn't make it. I am sorry for what Dean did I never knew he was going to do it. I am sorry for not believing your mum but I have apologised to your mum and she forgives me so I am hoping you will. Jessica you need to hang in there your mum and dad won't cope if you die none of us will. Use what ever fight you have left in you to get through this I know you are scared but you can do it I know you can. I have to go but I will come and see you tomorrow just remember to keep fighting'' I stood up and kissed her on her head and walked out. As I walked out Mick and Linda were walking down the hall. I said goodbye to them and left.

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