Chapter 42

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Johnny's pov
I have just put Ollie down for his nap and I am about to start my shift in the pub. As I am walking down the stairs the phone starts to ring.
(J-Johnny, S-school)
J-queen vic
S-hi I was hoping I could speak to a mr or mrs carter
J-there actually away at the moment could I take a message
S- do you know when they will back
J-they won't be back till the end of the week, could I ask why you are calling
S- it's regarding Jessica carter
J-well I am her guardian while my parents are away
S- oh right well I was just ringing to inform you that Jessica was absent at role call. We just wanted to make sure you were aware of this
J-yes sorry I forgot to call she is sick today so she won't be in school
S- that's fine thank you bye
Why didn't Jessica turn up to school, it's not like her, I hope she's ok. "Everything alright" Nancy asked while walking out the back to get a bag of crisps "not really that was the school Jessica didn't turn" "really what did you say" " I said she was sick, what if something has happened to her this isn't like her" "I'm sure she is fine Johnny she probably just bunked off I'm sure she will walk through that door after school pretending nothing has happened. Every teenager bunks off every now and again" "yeh I guess you're right" "with the amount of stress she has been under the past year no wonder she is acting up a bit. Don't say anything to her when she gets home just wait till mum and dad get home they will know what to do "

Jessica's pov
I have just got to the park and I have found a corner that I can hide in until school finishes. I know the school have probably rang the pub, they will be really disappointed in me or maybe they won't maybe the bullies are right maybe no one cares about me. What is the point in living no one cares about me they will have forgotten about me in a week.

*time skip*
Johnny's pov
Today is the day mum and dad are coming home from there honeymoon. It's a Saturday and it's currently 2 in the afternoon mum and dad are due home in an hour Jess hasn't come out from her room yet, I am really worried about her she hasn't been herself for the past week, once mum and dad are home I am going to tell them what has been going with her.
Jessica's pov
Today is the day I am going to end it all, I can't take it anymore, the nightmares have come back I can't close my eyes without seeing his face, the bullying has just gotten worse. It's just getting too much.
Linda's pov
Myself and Mick have just arrived home after an amazing honeymoon, we have already said hello to the older kids and now we just have to go see Jessica. "Mum, dad before you go up to Jess could I talk to you first" Johnny said while walking out from the bar. "Ok sure" I said while walking into the kithchen. "While you were away Jess has started acting weird" "in what way" "the school have rang twice to say she hasn't turned up to school, when she gets home from school she goes straight to her room and she hasn't been eating much" "really, she seemed to be getting better before the wedding. We'll have a chat with her" I said while going upstairs to Jessica's room with mick staying downstairs to chat to Johnny about the bar. I get up to Jessica's room and knock on her door "Jess it's mum, can I come in" no answer "Jess"  still no answer "Jess I'm coming in" I said while opening the door. When I open the door I see something no parent ever wants to see.
Mick's pov
After chatting with Johnny how Jess has been acting I decided to stay and chat with him about the bar while Linda went up to talk to Jess. While talking to Johnny I heard a ear piercing scream coming from Linda "MICK!!!!!" I go running up the stairs with Johnny following closely. I get to Jessica's room to find linda standing in the doorway shaking and crying I go running into Jessica's room to find my baby girl hanging from the roof "no no no no" I said while attempting to get Jessica down "Johnny call an ambulance", I finally get her down and frantically look for a pulse "Jess please don't be dead, please honey wake up, please for your dad wake up" I eventually find a weak pulse just as the ambulance arrives luckily they were close by so they didn't take long. They get Jess on the stretcher and rush out of the pub. Could this be the end for my little girl.

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