Chapter 2

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I passed the ball to Jack and it soared through the air, landing in the goal creating a tie.

"Next point wins!", Tyler yelled retrieving the ball.

The people sitting around has gotten a sudden interest in the game and were starting to cheer. Of course many people were on Tyler's side but we had plenty on our own. Bruno stole the ball from Dale and passed it to Jack, Jack passed it to me and I kicked it towards Bruno. He turned around immediately and kicked it towards the goal.

I don't know how but Tyler got there and stole the ball in mid air and kicked it across the field straight into the goal causing them to win.

They cheered and all of Tyler's fangirls started screaming their lungs out. I rolled my eyes, while covering my ears I walked towards him and said, "Are you glad?".

"Definitely, I proved it to you'll, you'll can't win with her".

"It wasn't even her fault", Bruno defended me.

"Alright man chill, guys pick your slaves, Ivy you're with me", Tyler said.

"What?! Why you? Can't I be with Sam or Dale?".

I know that Sam and Dale mostly follow Tyler's orders so I won't really get a lot of work to do.

"Nope", he leaned forwards, "You're stuck with me".

I followed him off field complaining the entire way to his locker. He was rummaging inside it while I leaned sideways on the one next to it complaining even more.

Tyler slammed his locker shut and faced me, "Stop with the complaining or you'll be my slave for a month".

That shut me up, it haven't even been fifteen minutes and I already regret agreeing to this.

He held up piece of paper, "Tape this to your forehead".

I snatched it from him and unfolded it.

It read:

I'm a fool who messed with Tyler

"No way am I doing this", I threw it at him.

"We had an agreement", he smirked.

I groaned. Tyler grabbed a piece of tape and attached one end of it to the paper, leaned close to me and taped the other to my forehead. He tapped the paper twice and smirked, "Let's go".

To my unluckiness I had Math right after recess, with Tyler. I had to carry his book and me would occasionally stop and wink at random girls making them squeal.

I thought all of this was very dumb. Like this guys just like any other, but a hundred times more annoying.

"Can you hurry up?", I nudged him from behind

"I'll take my time".

"This idiot, I muttered under my breath.

During class

Math was hard enough without having to sit next to Tyler.

"Hey Ivy do my work for me", he said when we were given the assignment for the day.

"Bro I'm terrible at Math".

"It's ok just do it".

"But you'll get everything wrong".

"Same story if  I do it, at least I get free time".

I sighed and got started. I don't know what sort of nonsense I wrote but I happened to finish both before the bell rang.

Last class of the day

It was the last class, English and our teacher was absent today. No one I considered a friend had English with me so I took out my phone and scrolled through Instagram.

Fifteen minutes before class ended Tyler with Sam  Dale and a couple of girls came up to me.

"Hey slave go get me a bottle of water"  he said grabbing my pony tail and jerking my head up.

"OW! Get your hands out of my hair!", I yelled.

He let go only to pull me up by the collar of my shirt. I pushed his hand away but he pushed me back hard and I fell against the wall at the back of the class.

Tyler, his friends and the girls laughed at me. I felt my eyes getting hot and a lump forming in my throat but before I could say or do anything the sound of shattering glass interrupted the scene.

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