Chapter 18

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I woke up early as I could and rushed to school. Surprisingly I was there before any of my friends which truly is a surprise. I knew that Tyler won't be here yet so I walked to a vending machine to get myself a protein bar since I haven't had anything for breakfast.

Once I had eaten about five protein bars and had satisfied my hunger I stood infront of Tyler's locker. After about three minutes I saw him walk in my direction but as soon as he saw me, he turned away. I ran after him but was stopped my Claire who literally threw her self into his arms and started making out with him.

I rolled my eyes as he immediately responded, seriously man get a girlfriend. I turned around to go meet Emma when I slammed into Brad.

"Oh hi didn't see you there", I greeted him.

"Of course since you were busy staring at Tyler", be grumbled shooting draggers in Tyler's direction.

"Huh? Oh know I just wanted to talk to him since he has been acting......well like a different person", I said turning around once again to look at Tyler whom now had Claire trapped between his arms and someone's locker.

"Forget about him OK,  I'm your boyfriend", Brad complained so I turned around to face him again.

"You're right, why should I care about him", I said and walked to class with Brad.

At lunch

I decided that from now on I'm gonna fully ignore Tyler, he actually sat with us at lunch today with Claire who apparently even though that there were many open seats decided to sit on Tyler's lap.

I ate quietly today, which is totally not like me. Halfway through lunch Stan spoke to me, "We need to talk,".

I got what he was saying so I stood up and followed him.

"Ivy where are you going?", Brad called out.

"Just outside", I said.

"Ok what is it?", I asked stepping outside.

"So you know about that wedding of your friends?".

"Yeah...what about it".

"Ok so it's dangerous for you to go there alone", Stan said looking around making sure that nobody could over hear us.

"I'm not gonna be alone, I have my friends with me and-", I was cut off by Stan.

"No offence but what can you friends do in a wolf attack?", he questioned.

I sighed, he's right. But I so wanted to go.

"So that means that we can't go?", I asked hoping for a positive answer.

"You can, as long us Miles, Greg, Andy and I come along".

"No problemo", I cheered happily seeing that I still could go.

And I guess if the boys come along it definitely be more fun.


I'm currently walking home after soccer practice. Tyler did show up for that but spend the entire avoiding me. Even when we got picked for the same team during the practice he made our coach change it.

Jack saw my disappointment so he assured me telling that Tyler was probably having a bad day. But he certainly wasn't having a bad day when he was with Claire and his friends.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't notice the person following me. As I turned the corner of the street that person grabbed the back of my sweatshirt and pulled me back. Covering my mouth with his hand he used the other to blindfold me. I opened my mouth to scream but I stopped as I felt cold metal making contact with the side of my head

"Scream and it'll be the end of you", he growled into my ear..

I closed my mouth. I would have punched if he didn't have a gun pointed at my head.

I gave in and he pulled me along with him and I was thrown roughly onto the ground of and alley way. I tried standing up using my hands as a sensor since I couldn't say anything but I once again was pushed down.

"Stay there", the voice growled again and then o realized who that was.  Jeremy.

"JEREMY LET ME GO!", I yelled.

"Stay quiet and this would be less painful", he said and even though I was blindfolded I could just see the smile on his face knowing that Stan and his pack wasn't here this time to save me.

Suddenly I heard a Jeremy yelling and all I knew was there was some else here and that was the last thing I heard before Jeremy (I knew it was because of the heat of his skin) pulled me up using my sweatshirt and slamming me against a wall making me pass out.

Tyler P.O.V

I was greeted with a long kiss from Claire once I walked out after soccer practices.

"Wanna go over to my places", she whispered in my ear pulling me closer.

I finally agreed seeing that with my Dad being at the pub till late and Mom at work I pretty much had nothing to do.

The two of us got on my motorbike and I drove away. On the way there we got stuck in traffic. Claire talked alot like she usually did and I remained quiet looking around the streets. Until I saw her. Ivy. Looking kinda down as she walked. My eyes followed her.

But then I noticed a guy following her. He grabbed Ivy's sweatshirt and blindfolded her as well as held a gun to head as she tried to scream. He dragged Ivy away into an alley way and that's when his hood fell down and I saw who he was. Jeremy.

I know I said I won't even look in her direction anymore but in a situation like this all of that didn't matter. What mattered was I got to save her no matter what.

I leaped off the bike and ran after Jeremy as Claire yelled at me. Ignoring the yells of Claire and the stares of people I ran after them. Ivy was on the ground as I ran in. With out thinking twice I punched Jeremy. He yelled with shock and fell onto the ground making the gun he was holding skid across the floor.

He stood up, forgetting the gun he grabbed Ivy and pushed her against the wall making her lose consciousness. I picked up the forgotten gun and fired it him. Werewolves heal fast so I didn't have much time. I picked Ivy up and flung her over my shoulder and ran out.

Claire was still sitting on my bike and she looked mad.

"GET OFF!",I yelled startling her.

"What are you doing with her?",she asked pointing towards Ivy.

Instead of answering her I sat Ivy  down on the front of my bike and got on behind her. I trapped her between my arms by gripping the handle bars tight so she doesn't fall off.

"Wake up Ivy", I whispered desperately as the bike roared to life and I took off leaving Claire behind.

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