Chapter 5

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"Shut up Ivy", she shushed me.

I burst out laughing as she frowned.

"I can't believe you, Adrian of all guys".

"What's wrong with him?", she frowned again.

"Nothing, honestly he's good, I mean he's athletic and all", I said pulling Emma up.

Once again we started walking towards the cafeteria. On the way we met Tyler, he was leaning on his locker checking his watch from time to time.

"Finally your here", he said and handed me a stack of books.

"This is my homework, complete them before the end if the week".

"How the heck can you have so much?".

"Past few weeks included ", he answered.

"I seriously hate you", I growled, pushing him out of the way I started walking.

I heard Tyler laugh and yell, "Should've thought about it before challenging us!".

I rolled my eyes as I pushed opened the door to the cafeteria and walked to the table where my friends were sitting.

"What took you'll so long?", Stan asked.

"A very unexpected meeting with two guys", I smirked at Emma.

"Ivy stop it", she whined.

"What happened ", Kiya asked leaning across the table.

"Um...Well that isn't important", Emma blushed.

"Sounds complicated", Miles grinned, "Now if you-", he stopped talking when Tyler walked in.

Stan, Greg and Andy followed Miles gaze and they growled.

"Guys what's up with you'll", Gina asked looking worried.

I kicked Stan under the table and he shook his head, turning his attention back to us. Miles, Andy and Greg followed his action.

"Sorry guys we....just got distracted", Miles apologized.

"By what?", Emma asked taking a bite out of her mac'n cheese.

"Just someone, it's not important", Greg said.

Gina, Emma and Kiya looked suspicious but they let it go.

After school

"Hey Ivy, wanna see us hunt?", Miles asked appearing from behind me as I stood at the back of the school waiting for the girls.

"Are you crazy Miles? To take her to the woods?", Andy said shoving Miles out of the way.

"No actually it's fine, I want to go", I said excitedly.

"REALLY, COOL LET'S GO!", Stan yelled pushing all three of them out of the way.

"Let's go then", Greg said smiling.

As we turned around I noticed something move near the corner of the building but I ignored it.

"Seriously I can't believe these two our Alpha and Beta", Andy whispered to Greg as we walked away from school.

Tyler's P.O.V

I was walking to the back of the school where Sam and Dale told me that they'll meet me when I heard voices coming from there.

I walked slowly to the bend of the building and peeked. Ivy was there with the new guys.

"Hey Ivy, wanna see us hunt?", the blonde guy asked.

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