Chapter 12

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"I HATE YOU'LL!", I heard Tyler yell coming in to view between the thick branches of the trees.

"YOU'LL LEFT ME BEHIND!", he yelled again.

"Chill bro", Stan said laughing and poking the fire with a stick.

We had already set up the tents and gotten a fire roaring and we were wrapped up in warm blankets, drinking hot chocolate with toasted  marshmallow.

Tyler glared at Stan and sat down next to me. I offered him a marshmallow which he gladly too.

"Hungry?", I asked giving him another one.

"And tired", he nodded.

"Yeah.....we probably shouldn't have left you behind", I said awkwardly.

"It's ok ", he said.

I got Tyler a mug of hot chocolate and an entire packet of marshmallows. Turns out he was really hungry, he ate the entire thing along with two mugs of hot chocolate.

We were getting ready to go to sleep when I heard footsteps. Light ones not one normal humans can hear, which explains how me Stan and his pack turned in the direction of the trees but the others didn't.

"Guys what's up", Emma asked seen us all alert.

"Footsteps", I said.

"Paw steps", Stan corrected me.

Just as he said that a huge wolf came in to view. The girls screamed and Tyler grabbed me and pulled me behind his back.

Stan growled, "What do you want Jeremy?".

The wolf changed in to a guy a few years older than us who had a few deep scars on his face.

"Just to see our original Alpha's daughter", he spoke, "Anything wrong with that, I won't harm her".

I hated the way he emphasised original as if Stan wasn't good enough. I stepped out from behind Tyler and spoke, "I'm his daughter".

He smirked, "Looks alot like him, really".

"Now you've seen her, LEAVE!", Miles commanded.

"But I must of course see if she's suitable enough to be with our pack, if she's not it'll be dangerous for us", Jeremy said ignoring Miles.

"She's our former Alpha's daughter of course she's suitable", Greg argued.

"I know, I know but she's a half, we haven't had any halves in centuries", Jeremy said walking closer to me.

"What do I have to do to prove myself?", I asked bravely.

"I have a little test for you if you can succeed I'll leave you alone, but if you can't......we'll think about that later", he trailed off seeing the frightened look on the faces of my friends.

"I accept it", I said looking straight at him trying to hide the fear I felt.

He smiled, "You pass the first challenge, Bravery, now let's move on", he gestured me to follow him.

He started to walk towards the dark trees so I without objection did the same. Stan and the boys tried to follow us too but Jeremy stopped them, "If you'll come then she won't be able to do the tasks properly, you'll have nothing worry about, I mean no harm but if you'll are suspicious then I suggest you use your vision and see what's going on".

We walked for twenty minutes and then we came across a lake. It was hard to see below the surface because of the darkness. I used my strong vision and all I saw was a bunch of rocks covered in leaves and moss. I'm pretty sure I can do whatever Jeremy wants in this, I don't see any animals in it.

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