Chapter 11

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I was having a good weekend watching movies in my Pajamas until I was interrupted by Tyler. He was bored so he started hitting me with my own pillows.

I grabbed one and threw it back at him, "Dare do it again and you'll be leaving".

That was enough to make him stop. I went back to watching my movie when I got a call from Magda. She was a girl who's a few years older than me. She lived right next door and she would always play with me and my friends (girls). About an year ago she moved to New York with her boyfriend and I hadn't heard from her since.

"Hi! Magda what's up?", I asked .

"A lot of good things", she squealed, "Well my boyfriend Oscar asked me to marry him!".

"OMG! That's great", I said smiling though she couldn't see me.

She was head over heals about that guy. She told me that my friends and I am invited to the wedding next week but she also told me that my parents already said they couldn't come.

Obviously they were to busy with their damn work. I thanked her again and hung up.

"What was that all about?", Tyler asked as I put my phone down.

"Nothing you need to know", I said smirking.

One thing Tyler absolutely hates is not knowing what's going on.

"I'll be at Emma's if you need me", I said jumping off me bed and texting Gina and Kiya to meet me there.

"Tell me", Tyler commanded standing up.

"You can find out", I said turning away and walking towards the bathroom to get dressed.

But I was too slow, Tyler grabbed my arm and turned me around and pinned me against the wall.

"Where?", he asked again.

"Jeez man", I said trying to pull his arms off me but he was too strong.

I gave in and explained everything to him.

"Oh", he said dropping his arms from around me, "Sorry".

I pushed him away and went to the bathroom and got dressed.

What I wore

I then ran all the way to Emma's House cause they hate it when I get late.

I burst into her room where all three of them were sitting on the bed chatting.

"What took you so long?", Kiya asked me.

"That idiot Tyler, I freaking hate him", I growled sitting down on Emma's table, "Sometimes I wanna kill him".

"Woah girl calm down", Gina said frowning.

Emma burst out laughing, "What did he do this time threaten you or something".

"Worse", I grumbled, "But that's not important, I came here for a reason...".

I told them why and they were also extremely happy for Magda too.

" The wedding's next week and we don't have anything to wear", Kiya screamed.

"Next week, not tomorrow", I said rolling my eyes, "We've got plenty of time".

"You don't understand", she sighed.

I just shrugged, looking out the the window I found myself thinking about Brad.


"NO FREAKING WAY!", Kiya yelled.

"Why not?", Stan asked cocking and eyebrow.

Stan said he wanted to take us camping in the woods and he also told my friends about the werewolf thing. The reason Kiya doesn't want to go was since she hates the woods. She hates the mud and the insects and stuff like that.

But finally we convinced her to come. We decided to go tonight and return the next evening.


Everything was packed and I was about to leave to meet Stan when Tyler walked into my room wearing nothing but a towel and his hair dripping with water.

"Yikes man put a shirt on", I said standing up and grabbing my backpack leave.

He ignored me and asked, "Where are you going at this time..and with a backpack?".

"Just somewhere".

"A guys place", his eyes narrowed and he frowned.

I couldn't let him assume that, "No man, I'm going camping".

"Cool can I come?", he asked.

"Um...I don't know I'm going with Stan, his friends and mine".

"So....I can't".

He looked and sounded disappointed so I told him that he can come. He had his backpack packed in like two minutes and I thought I was the fastest at that kinda stuff.

On the way to the woods I told Tyler about Stan and his friends been werewolves and he didn't look the slightest bit surprised.

"Cause I had my guess when I heard them talk to you the day after they showed up here", he said.

I glared at him, "You were spying on me".

" no exactly", he said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Oh forget it", I said and started walking faster leaving him behind.


"Oh hell nah man, he's not coming", Miles said the minute he saw Tyler.

"A hundred percent agreed", Stan said appearing out of nowhere.

"Well if Ivy said I could then I am", Tyler said leaning against a tree.

Everyone except Tyler stared at me.

"So you mean the person you were complaining about this afternoon is now coming with us?", Andy asked.

I nodded.

"Great just great", Greg groaned.

I rolled my eyes, "It's only for once and....he knows about the werewolf thing now", I said wringing my hands together nervously.

"Nevermind", Stan said and transformed and the guys except Tyler (of course) did the same.

"Climb on", Stan spoke in my head.

"What?! Are you serious?", I asked shocked.

"Yeah you all can pick one, but not Tyler no way am I gonna carry that guy", Miles said, "Ivy you come with me".

"Hold up, Ivy being the leader I command you to come with me", Stan said .

I nodded and climbed on to Stan's back and gripped his fur, trying my best not to hold on too tightly. Emma chose Miles, Kiya chose Andy and Gina picked Greg.

As soon as we were on them they took off running leaving Tyler in the dust.



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