Chapter 20

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I sat fiddling with my pen at the back of the classroom as our Physics teacher, Mrs Turner went on and on about speed calculations. School's so boring when it actually comes to studies otherwise it's good.

I leaned back and yawned, I turned to face Tyler who was sitting on the right side of me looking out the huge glass window. He suddenly grabbed my hand and pointed out the window.

I could see some animal running in our direction, he stopped in the courtyard and looked directly at me. I concentrated on my vision and saw that it was a wolf. It can't be Stan or his friends they were in class and if they skipped they would surely tell me.

But as I saw the red eyes I immediately realised who it was, Jeremy.

"It's Jeremy", I whispered to Tyler who's eyes widened as he heard the name.

"Let's get Stan and the guys", he whispered back now both of our eyes following Jeremy.

I grabbed my phone and texted Stan.

Me: I can see Jeremy, look out the windows from the left

Stan didn't reply immediately like he usually did so I was worried. Tyler kept glancing over my shoulder checking for a reply from Stan but I received none. I looked out the window and then I realized why Stan wasn't replying. He was fighting Jeremy, Tyler noticed me looking out the window and once he saw Stan with Jeremy he stood up, "Mrs. Turner I need to use the bathroom", he said.

She let him go but on his way out he signaled me to follow him. "Mrs. Turner I need to use the bathroom too", I quickly added.

She sighed and gestured me to go. I stood up immediately and grabbed my phone and ran out the class. Tyler was waiting outside for me and the two of us ran downstairs and out the school to the courtyard. Stan and Miles both were now fighting Jeremy as Andy and Greg fought weaker wolves from Jeremy's side.

When Greg noticed me he spoke to me using his telepathy, "Ivy you shouldn't be here".

"Jeremy's here for me, I don't see why you'll always hold him off, I'm a half, I think I can hold him off myself if I wanted to", I said.

Before Greg could stop me I ran up to Jeremy and yelled, "STOP IT!".

All of them stopped fighting and looked at me, Jeremey threw Stan and Miles off him and lunged at me. I knew I shouldn't gone there. I was absolutely no match for him. I was pinned to the ground, but today my anger got the best of me. Why does Jeremy hate me so much?

My blood boiled as he growled at me. "Stan don't do anything but stay alert", I said and for once he listened.

I felt an incredible strength as I glared at Jeremy and in a blink of an eye I had flipped us over and I was now pinning him to the ground. And he couldn't take he down which surprised me. Jeremy couldn't defeat me. One glance at Stan and the guys and I knew they were shocked. I smirked down at Jeremy as Tyler threw me a knife, which I caught and sliced across Jeremy's chest.

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