Chapter 21

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Silver doesn't kill werewolves like they say in books, it only makes them weak that they cannot fight for at least a few days. Stan and all the others stared at me in shock as Jeremy's bleeding stopped but he didn't wake up.

I stood up and said, "Stan, this'll hold him off for a few days".

Stan nodded his head still shocked by what I did. They other werewolves transformed back to human form and rushed forward to help their leader. As Jeremy was carried away I returned the knife to Tyler and Miles whirled around to face him.

"Why did you give her that knife?", he questioned fuming with anger.

"What do you want to do? Stay here and fight him all day?" Besides it doesn't kill him", Tyler said confidently.

"WE COULD'VE DONE THAT!", Miles yelled.

I grabbed Miles jacket and pulled him away from Tyler.

"Miles calm down", I said patting his arm but he shrugged me off.

"No Ivy. I think it's time I tell you this", Miles said and took a deep breath, "Jeremy's my older brother".

"WHAT?!", Tyler and I yelled in unison.

No. How could that be real? Jeremy's down right cruel but Miles is such a nice person. I realized that it made sense, when ever Stan and Mikes fought Jeremy, Miles made sure that Jeremy doesn't get hurt too much.

"Why didn't you tell us?", I asked looking at Miles.

He sighed and looked down, "He hates you Ivy, what do except me to do. Tell you that the guy who wants to kill you is related to me?".

I guess it made sense. When ever they fought Miles made sure that Jeremy won't get serious injuries. But I really wished he told us.

"Miles, I'm sorry I don't...really trust you anymore", I said sighing.

He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off, "Stan is there anyway we can go to my friend's wedding without Miles?".

Stan sighed but nodded, "If you don't want Miles to come, then I fully understand".

"THAT'S NOT FAIR!", Miles yelled pushing Stan aside and standing directly in front of me, "It's for your safety".

"You want to protect me from Jeremy but he's your brother too", I said, "It doesn't make sense".

Miles shook his head and ran from the spot.

"You shouldn't have done that", Greg said once Miles left.

"She has a point though", Andy said leaning against a tree, "Why is he even bothering to help us when his brother is Jeremy?".

"Miles is a good person despite of what you'll think of him, he'd help me alot", Stan defended Miles.

"All of that is true man, but don't you think that Miles could possibly be spying on your pack for Jeremy", Tyler said.

Stan sighed and was silent for a while, thinking.

"Alright fine", he finally spoke, "Miles don't have to come with us to wedding but he won't leave our pack".

That seemed an OK deal to me so I nodded, "Great let's go back now".

I walked away with Tyler and Stan and Andy followed me but Greg stood back.

"Are you coming?", Stan asked turning back to Greg.

He sighed and pushed off the tree and glared at me, "I'll protect you cause I have to but don't expect the same friendship we had".

I wanted to say it wasn't my fault Miles hid it from us but I couldn't bring myself to say it. I knew its not his fault that he's the brother of Jeremy but I wouldn't be mad at  him if he told me. Or am I overreacting?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Tyler yelled, "FOR GODS SAKE WERE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!".

"Huh oh yeah", I responded immediately.

"Then what did I just say?".

"Ahh....umm...", I pondered not having the slightest idea.

He sighed and turned away, "I'll say it now then, break up with Brad".

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