Chapter 16

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Songs to listen to while reading this chapter.

Tyler P.O.V

I got to lunch and was almost knocked right off my feet (literally) by Claire. She ran up to me and smashed her lips agasint mine. I kissed her back for what seemed like five seconds before pulling away.

"Tyler I have great news", she squealed.

"Which is?", I questioned.

"My cousin sis asked me to be her bridesmaid for her wedding".

Why is everyone getting married these days? This is the second wedding I've heard about in the past few or so.

"Ok so?".

"Can you at least act a little but happy about it?", she glared.

I sighed, "I'm not in a good mood".

I started walking to the table which Sam and Dale were sitting at, where Ivy normally sits with her friends but she wasn't there right now.

Claire followed me and started talking endlessly about how her cousin asked her to do some performance with some other girls as entertainment. I didn't give a damn about anything she said. Once we reached the table I spoke to Emma.

"Where's Ivy?", I asked.

"We don't know", Greg spoke for her grinning

I frowned, where the hell was she? Guess I'll just find her using my superhuman skills.

I stood up, "Well I gotta speak to her too, so see you'll later".

Claire tried to come with me but I stopped her, "I'm fine on my own".

I knew where she would go, the janitors closet. I ran to my locker and grabbed a Christmas cracker and do not ask why I had one in my locker. I have my reasons. I was planning on popping it in the janitors room of course before Ivy sees me.

I arrived at the janitor and slowly pushed the door open. To see Brad and Ivy making out. Worse Brad was practically carrying Ivy and her shirt was lying on the ground. I felt something I haven't in years. A pang in my heart. No. Cannot. Be. Jealousy.

But why did if feel like my heart was shattering as I stood there. I wanted to make it up to Ivy for been such an asshole. The Christmas cracker was only the first, I had planned many things. But it all seemed worthless. She's really dating Brad, she wasn't lying cause she was mad at me.

I wanted to thank her for letting me stay with her, trying to include me in the stuff she does with her friends. Why does it seem everything I do always go wrong. I was pulled out of my thoughts as my arm knocked onto the door.

The sudden burst of light as the closet door swung open fully,since I had obviously forgotten why I was here in the first place, made the two of them pull away I'm shock.  Brad dropped Ivy in shock an then started apologising as she stood up. I ignored the pain and laughed, "So you weren't lying when you said you're dating him".

I turned around as the two of them stared at me in shock, "Good luck Ivy, don't let the same thing that happened to me happen to you".

With that I walked away. Laughing. Why am I laughing? Even I don't know. The laughs turned into tears as I walked out of school. Another thing that happened in years. I wiped my eyes fiercely, Tyler Ross doesn't cry. Not anymore. I gotten off that stage. Forgotten those days.

Flash back

I closed my locker and continued walking to Math class. Excited. First year in high-school and seeing my girlfriend after three months since she was with her grandparents in Ireland during the summer. I was quite early and I didn't expect anyone to be in class.

But I did see two figures making out at the back. Once I opened the door, I realised it was Amelia, my girlfriend. I stayed quiet at first with shock.

"Aren't I so much better than that loser Tyler?", the guy asked pulling away.

"So much baby, I don't even know what I saw in him, that loser", she laughed.

I couldn't see his face but anyone could recognise their best friend's voice. The anger building up in me was uncontrollable. I couldn't keep it in.


"OMG. Tyler its not what you think", Amelia began but I cut her off.

"I don't care, I don't wanna hear it", with that I left.

Two weeks later

"You got to stop drinking", Sam said as   I chugged down another bottle and tossed it into the gutter making in break the process.

"And smoking", Dale said as I took a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket.

My third pack of the day. But the torture doesn't end there. I come home from school to my parents yelling at me. I had it.

End of flashback

I sighed as I sat down on my motorbike. I never should have rejected Ivy when she asked me out. I was too afraid that I might be hurt again. I never should have let her date Brad. Now I realise, I like Ivy. In fact I love her.

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