Chapter 7

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I stretched my arms and felt my hand hitting something hard. I opened my eyes and saw that I was so close to Tyler there was practically no space between us.

Without thinking twice I kicked him out of the bed.

"Owww", he groaned as he landed on the ground on his ass.

"I told you not to cross the pillows", I said throwing a pillow at him.

"I didn't, you did", he said standing up.


I turned around and sure enough the pillows were strewn every where and my side was empty.

"Well I can't help that I normally have a whole bed to myself", I said glaring at him.

"Why are you glaring? What did I do?".

I sighed, shaking my head I went to the bathroom. I had a long hot shower to forget that incident and once I stepped out of it I realized I forgot to bring some clothes with me.

"Oh shit", I cursed, "I can't go out in a towel".

There was no answer but I heard my closet door opening and closing then I heard him mutter, "This is nothing like Angela's closet, it's a total mess how the hell am I supposed find something in this?".


"How did she even here me?", I heard him mutter again.

This time I ignored him. I heard his footsteps approaching and I opened the door a little and stuck my hand out. But instead of handing me the clothes he pushed the door open wider.

"GET OUT!", I yelled.

"Come on you owe something for tolerating you", he's smirked.

I picked up a bottle of face wash from the sink counter and threw it at him. It hit his stomach and he groaned.

"You have a serious weirdo", he said but still didn't leave.

"Imma kill you", I growled.

He smirked, "How?".

I growled loud and I knew even though I wasn't a wolf, it felt as if I could pounce like one.

"Right fine I'll go jeez", he grumbled walking out and closing then the door.

"That asshole", I muttered myself as I got changed into the outfit he picked for me.

Once I was done getting dressed I walked out and went to the dressing table and brushed my hair

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Once I was done getting dressed I walked out and went to the dressing table and brushed my hair.

"Aren't you getting ready?", I asked.

"For what?".

"School idiot".

"Oh I told you I'm not going", he yawned, "I think I'm going to sleep".

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