Chapter 1.

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Our story begins in the treehouse: at 8:30 am

Speed: Yawns* Lazuli, what time is it?
Lazuli: It’s 8:31 am.
Both: Wait…AH! We have to wake everyone up!
Speed: This is the opportunity to get back at my sis…
Speed walks into the kitchen and grabs an air horn and some small speakers. He puts the speakers by each bed and put the air horn in a microphone.
Speed: Here Lazuli, headphones.
Lazuli: Thanks.
Speed: 3…2…1…
All but speed/lazuli: AH, what time is it?!
Speed: Wake up, we’re going to be late for our flight at 10:30.
Flare: Oh yeah!
Axel: Yippee!
Silvia: Speed, would you be a darling and help me pack? You are fast.
Speed: Sure, I helped Lazuli pack.
Silvia: Yeah!
Sunshine: Daddy, I’m all packed.
Black: I heard we were having some new visitors from the region coming, right?
Pearl: Yeah, they should be getting here anytime soon.
Leafy: Great, I love meeting new people.
Flare: OH, I better give the plants plenty of water before we go.
Speed: Hey guys, what if we moved to galar and we could just stay there?
Sunshine: Oh, that sounds fun.
Axel: Yeah, lets do it.
All: OH, that sounds like a good plan.
Lazuli: Quick, grab only the essentials.
Crystal: I don’t think that meant your plants, Flare.
Flare: I will make them fit!
1 hour later…
Every one managed to finish packing (Flare did not fit the plants sadly). Just then, the bell rang!
Pearl: That’s them I think.
Pearl goes to open the door and they see two eeveelutions standing at the door.
Drake: Hi everyone, I’m Drake.
Lily: I’m Lily, pleasure to meet you all.
All but new people: Nice to meet you.
Black: Can we go now? I’ve been waiting for a while now.
Speed: Wait here.
Speed runs out the house and grabs something and runs back in his room, stuffs it in his case, and comes back down in less than 5 seconds flat.
Silvia: How does he do that?
Drake: Anyone need help carrying stuff?
Lilly: Yeah, I could use whirl wind to shoot it over there.
Flare: Thanks, we already have everything in the trunk.
Lily: Okay, but it is fun.
Everyone got on the bus, went to the airport, and off they went.
When they arrived:
Lazuli: Wow, it’s so beautiful!
Speed: I know, right?
Lily: Drake, look over there! The have a great looking bakery!
Drake: OK, come on Lily.
Lily: Yeah!
Speed: I think I’m going to look around the forest.
Lazuli: Ok, be back soon.
Speed: I will.

In the forest:
Speed: Ugh, my stomach hurts.
Speed decides to sit down first a bit and rest. But, he starts getting a massive headache.
Speed: Ow… AGH! GAH, IT HURTS!

🎵When alone, I still wrestle with myself
The quest for more strength brought out a dark side in me
Never did I think he would be ravaging my friends
I must put him to an end.
He’s inside me

Drowning in regret, sinking, can’t forget
What would all my friends think to see me struggling with my demons
Gasping for breath
Life means nothing to him
What if I’m not strong enough to keep him at bay

I’ve saved entire worlds
Yet my path twists and twirls
Can I turn back
Can’t be a hero with a villain in me
If I let go there, would they all be safe
I let him emerge and now I pay the price of-

Turbo: Hey you better watch your mouth
Your talking about the better one between us
You have the potential to rain havoc on the pitiful
I don’t get all your whining
The only problems a pity party
I can bring out your body’s full potential

Glowing red to bring blood shed
Bring the pain they won’t forget
It’s your fault but I don’t blame you
Who wouldn’t want to be me

Let me take over your mind
Promise I’ll take care of it
Your only in pain because your holding me back

Speed: Can’t let them know
That their hero’s breaking down at any chance he can get when he’s alone
Can’t break free of these dark chains
Screaming till none remains
I am the one who keeps the dark light away

Turbo: You can’t hold me back anymore
It’s mine turn to choose your life’s path
I’ll break free when your happy and be victorious in your death
Your weak and pitiful friends are sure to meet a bitter end
None of them had a chance to stop me

Rising from the shadows
Who could know the dark glows
You had a chance to let me die but selfishly you went on!
You can save the world but not yourself from your own flaws
All your friends make me want to hurl
none of them will know what they saw!

Speed: Why can’t you let me go
How could you stoop so low
Haven’t we battled enough to satisfy your constant ryour If you take me, stay away from all my friends
They don’t deserve the fate that you set out for them

I see the sun and the stars.
Feels like my minds on fire
Letting go of life if your higher

Turbo: You see the sun and stars burn
How amusing
Your not ready to let me go
Destroying all life that once was
Let yourself go to give me new life
They’ll know!

Speed: Drowning in regret
Sinking can’t forget
Leave my friends alone oh please
They can’t see me fighting my demons
Gasping for breath
Life means nothing to you
What if I’m not strong enough to keep you at bay

Turbo: We’ve been over this already
It’s mine turn to choose your life’s path
I’ll break free when your happy and be victorious in your death
Your weak and pitiful friends are sure to meet a bitter end
I will make sure your world falls in the dirt

Give control, surrender your life to me
Give your soul, you will be forever resting
What I stole, far too late to be returned
Break the mold, and with that I will break free.

Speed: You’ve been here, as long as I can remember
In my ear, telling me to light the embers
Disappear, only to come back to haunt me
I hold dear, everything that you vow to destroy🎵

???: OH shut up, you baby.
Speed: What is going on?
Turbo: Ha ha ha, the names Turbo. Thanks for the wake up.
Speed: Wake up? What do you mean? You still haven’t answered my question.
Turbo: Yes well, I was in danger of death. Luckily, you were dumb enough to walk through here. So, I implanted my self into your head.
Speed: OH. Dang it. Didn’t expect that.
Suddenly, another jolteon pops in front of Speed. It looks like him, but has patches of black, white front paws, and purple eyes.
Speed: AH!
Turbo: This is me.
Speed: Wow.
Turbo: Hmm… I see… wow, impressive. 2 girlfriends, but not a single date yet? Sad…
Speed: Hey!
Turbo: Hmm, the pink one seems… nice.
Speed: Really dude? Really? Are you that lonely?
Turbo: Technically, I am part of your brain, so it’s fine.
Speed: Sighs* Well, let’s go show the others

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