Chapter 16

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Lazuli 2: Because you're supposed to be dead!
Speed: What?!
Lily: What are you talking about?
Mana: Yeah, what are you talking about?
Me: Ok yeah, I forgot about you. Well, it was a nice little cameo for you to be here, but it's time for you to go.
Mana: Huh?
Me: Bye!
The narrator, using his crazy admin powers, made Mana go back to the correct universe in the correct place.
Speed: Our turn!
Speed: Right... now!
Speed: Why isn't it working?
Lily: Well, that sucks.
Lazuli 2: Anyways, tell us who you really are, imposter!
Speed: I am Speed, but I guess I'm not your speed. If I may ask, how did he- well, "I", die?
Lazuli 2: He was part of the group posted to stop the time machine. When it was activated and shut off, the wave of energy from point plank range when it had just emerged from the time machine, it stopped all major organ functions in their bodies and he... he... *starts sobbing*
Speed: I'm sorry for your loss.
Lazuli 2: It's fine.
Speed: For now though, do you know anything about the energy that blasted out of the machine?
Pearl 2: I do. I noticed it split off into 2 portals, but the amount of energy in one of them was massive.
Speed: ... That's all?
Pearl 2: Yep. Sorry. Wish I knew more.
Lily: Kicks rock* Aw.
Black: Well where were the portals?
Jill: I saw scorch marks in a field nearby on the way here. Were the portals emitting heat?
Pearl 2: Yes.
Speed: Wait... you didn't think to tell us about these mysterious burn marks?!
Jill: Well, I thought you guys saw them? Plus, it looked like some sort of fire attack.
Shade: Lets just hurry up.
The group begins to sprint towards the scene. Up the stairs, out the door, through the town; all the way to the scene of the-
Kai: Portals?!
When the group arrived, the portals were gone!
Lazuli 2: Are you kidding me?!
Pearl 2: Oh yeah... I forgot to mention... they only appear at a certain time for 30 mins. Right about... now.
When Pearl 2 said "now", the two portals then rematerialized.
Black: Finally. Let's-
???: Wait! Stay right there!
The group turns to the source of the voice coming from the forest, which turned out to be...
Haze: Woah, what happened to you, Lazuli?
Lazuli had twigs in her fur and dirt patches in some areas.
Lazuli: Don’t ask. Long story short, I landed far from you guys and had to walk for 5 miles and I fell down a 45° degree angle hill about 27 meters high. And then I had to walk through a patch of oran berries and that's when- is that me?!
Lazuli had spotted Lazuli 2 and they locked eyes.
Lazuli: Who is she, what are those glowing sphere things, and what the **** is going on?!

After an hour of recapping:

Lazuli: Oh. Okay then.
Speed: Yeah. So, what are we thinking? There are 2 portals and let me see... 11 of us in total?
Turbo and Flare 2: 13 (If I'm wrong, please correct me)
Pearl 2: Alright then, me, Lazuli, Turbo, Haze, Jill, and Black will go in this left portal and the rest of you can go in the second one.
Kai and Speed exchanged a deadly glare.
Pearl 2: By the way, where did you guys come from?
Flare 2: We got distracted by the nearby café, The Slurpuff Delight. At that point, while enjoying delicious pokepuffs, we just started talking.
Turbo: We are now... um, what's the word...
Flare 2: Friends?
Turbo: No...
Flare 2: *Imaginary gunshot to head*
Turbo: Oh! Acquaintances!
Flare 2: Good enough.
Pearl 2: Right... well, anyways, we should probably head out.
Speed: Right. Oh, by the way Kai...
Kai: Yeah?
Speed: ... I know who you are.
Kai: What's that supposed to mean?
Speed: You’re the dude playing a dude disguised as another dude! (Tell me if you know which movie this reference comes from)
Kai: You are so weird.
Speed: I know. See ya!
Speed then gets a running start and jumps into the portal.
Kai: Ugh! Everything!
Kai swiftly follows as the rest of the group heads through.
Pearl 2: Shall we?
Haze: I'm ready.
Pearl 2: Then let's go.
Jill: Adventure!
The remaining six head through their respective portal, both groups not knowing what lies ahead...


???: So, they are making great progress wouldn't you say?
? ? ?: Why yes they are.
???: Once they get here, We shall give them a warm welcome... a very, very warm welcome...

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