Chapter 15

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Flickering vision can be seen of Speed, Silvia, Black, and Drake as the group's members twist and twirl through the storm. And then, everything goes black...

Drake: Ugh... what happened? Lily? Lily!
Turbo: She isn't here.
Drake: Where are the others?
Turbo points over northeast at a small ruined camp site.
Turbo: Not all of us made it through...
Drake: Who is left?
Turbo whistles and out of the campsite walks out Flare, Leafy, Jess, Pearl, Crystal, Carter, Silvia, and a few others we found.
There was a bug, fighting, steel, and normal type eeveelution added to the group.

Turbo: Their names are Stella, Motana, Drift, Lutchery. So that you guys are aware, Stella likes to be referred to as they and them.
Stella: Hi!
Motana: Hello!
Drift: Nice to make your acquaintances.
Lutchery: Duh! Nah, I'm joking. Nice to meet you?...
Drake: Oh, I'm Drake.
Lutchery: Nice name! <Terrible name>
Drake: Thanks!
Lutchery: Don't mention it!
Turbo: Speed! Speed, can you hear me?! The storm appeared to have transported us to some other place, because I'm fairly certain the Kanto region did not look how it looks now.......... what?
Turbo: Guys, I'm going, see ya!
Turbo then poofs into where Speed is.
Silvia: Not him too...
Carter: But he is right. I don't think Kanto was this... broken.
Crystal: Well, how did it happen then?
Stella: This place wasn't always like this... back in 6018, February 21st-
Flare: That's when we were pulled into the storm!
Stella: I'm talking! Anyways, in that time, a mysterious vortex appeared in the sky over the mountain. Once that happened-
Lutchery: The whole sky turned dark blue and the clouds turned black. The sun was blocked out and most of the plants died out, so we had to move them underground. But, only small groups could since most of the regular pokemon died, some species even went extinct, which is fine with me. I managed to save most of my poké-
Stella: And he is going off course. We found eachother and we went into hiding for a while. Then that lycanroc found us, which is a relief because we were running very low on supplies.
Drake: Well, you guys are a big help too, because we are gathering all the eeveelutions together to help save the world.
Motana: Why is that?
Drift: And what does it have to do with giving us our world back?
Drake: Our friend said that we are going to need all of the eeveelutions because of some kind of prophecy.
Drift: I see...
Crystal: And along the way, we are going to be restoring the legendaries that have been affected by the strange energy
Pearl: And after that, we are going to-
Silvia: Has no one acknowledged the fact that this place looks like my view on the world after a few large mushrooms?!
Despite the fact Silvia has just revealed her biggest secret, she was right. The world just seemed more... empty. The ground was gray and dry, the trees were all dead and there were even floating islands.
Carter: Yeah, why are there floating islands?
Pearl: It could possibly be due to the amount of power being emmited from something close by in the area. But it would have to be a massive amount of power.
Crystal: From something big?
Pearl: Exactly.
Jess: From something like that?
She points just about north-east at 3 huge, shadowy figure. The first had a whopping that looked like a rake razor sharp hands. The second one had a fish tail and big fins. The third was pretty much a flying snake.
Leafy: There is no way. How are the
Hoenn legendaries in Kanto?
Motana: They're not. This is Hoenn.
Carter: But that's impossible. We came in through Kanto.
Lutchery: I guess you don't need to.
Crystal: This is probably why I failed science.
Flare: No, that was because you kept mixing all the liquids up and blowing up the lab equipment.
Crystal: Not my fault.
Jess: Wouldn't that technically make it-
Crystal: Stop ganging up on me! I hate it.
Lutchery: Are you guys always like this?
Drake: Are you always like that?
Lutchery: I don't know: Do you always have to ask so many questions?
All but Lutchery/Drake: Ooooooooooooooooooh!
Drake: I don't know: Do you always have to be such a d***?
All but Drake/Lutchery: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!
Lutchery: Oh, it's on mother-
Carter: Um guys? I think we have more pressing matters to attend to?
Carter points towards a group of boulders hurdling at the group.
Drake: Looks like they noticed-
He did not get to finish his sentence due to the fact that he had just been hit by one of the boulders and knocked of the island.
Silvia: Drake!
A few others got hit by the boulders and fell off the island. Luckily, it wasn't too far down, but it still hurt when they made contact.
Drake: Ow...
Pearl: Stay there! We're coming!
That was not true because as Pearl started to run towards the edge, a ring of rocks surrounded the members still on the island.
Carter: Dang it, Groudon.
Thr members on the ground turned to face the powerful trio and hope to survive...

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