Chapter 11 (Valentine special)

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(Okay, just a quick notice for everyone, I want to address why the previous chapter was so short. This is going to be a chapter for Valentines day because I see other people do celebratory chapters and thought: What the heck. Why not? So, here it is.)
Turns out, the group was not happy at all after the next few hours. They had been traveling for so long, and they ran out of poke puffs, Crystal and Silvia were scheming about more shipping (which was annoying everyone), Speed was annoyed because Turbo went back in his brain and was being a jerk, and so many more problems that they would stack up and hit the moon, and then aggressively shove it out of the way and continue on in an infinite direction. (That's a reference from one of my favorite books, Hyperbole and a half. Great book, READ IT.)
Our gang could finally relax when night fell and they set up camp. Again.
Crystal: Ugh, we have to do this so often.
Kai: It would help if you guys could have better stamina.
Silvia: Hey, has anyone seen Bill?
Everyone: ... Meh.


Bill: How was your day, Mew?
Mew: 'It's been going great!'
*Both sip tea and get back to chess*

Back to us:

All the eeveelutions and non-eeveelutions settled in bed. Well, almost all of them. Shade was up in her tent, pondering all the recent events. Carter was thinking about life. He was kind of lonely and now he got so many friends all at once. It was kind of awkward. Shade got up to get some water while Carter needed to find a tree to get some "me" time. Both ended up colliding and hitting their heads.
Shade: Ow.
Carter: Can you be more careful?
Both: Grrrr...
Carter: Sigh* Sorry. I just lost my temper.
Shade: Huh? Well, if you're losing your temper, we're doomed!
Both: Laughs*
Shade: Yeah, sorry I've been kind of mean to you.
Carter: It's okay. Really.
Shade: Thanks. Hey, maybe we could take the group somewhere tommorow?
Carter: Great idea! We could really lighten the mood around here.
Shade: Yeah...

The next morning:

Speed: ZZZ
Kai: ZZZ
Crystal: ZZZ
Shade and Carter: *Yawn* Ah.
Carter: *Walks out of his tent* Wow. Everyone is still asleep.
Shade: *Pokes head out* Is that a bad thing?
Carter: Usually, we would wake eachother up with something funny. But I guess not. It's a really bad sign.
Shade: I have an idea.
Shade walks out if her tent and into the middle of the camp. She then moves her tail to her mouth and shouts into the hole.
The sound then traveled through her leg holes and was amplified.
Carter: Wow, like a portable speaker.
Shade: Aw, thanks.
Carter: No problem.
Speed: Ugh... I don't want to.
Speed: Do it your self.
Turbo then materializes in front of Speed and uses crush claw on his nose, causing it to bleed.
Speed: ...
Speed then shoots pin missle and hits Turbo in the paw.
Turbo: Mother f*****!!!
Speed: Flips off*
Kai: Both of you shut the f*** up!!!
Kai: We have a job to do and you all our ruining it!
Speed and Turbo: Sorry.
Shade: See, this is why you all need a break.
Carter: Yeah! She's right! You all have been so mean.
Jill: Well then where are we going?
Shade: You'll see. I know exactly where to go.
The group starts their trek towards relaxation. As they walked through the vermilion forest, they all were a bit neutral because of the thought of food. Then, they finally arrived.
Shade: Welcome to The Vermilion Diner. It's a great breakfast and lunch place. There is so much to-
Drake: Well, I'll find out when I put some food in my mouth.
Turbo and speed: 😑😑😑 Punch punch punch*
Speed: I'm go-
Turbo: No me-
Lazuli: Both of you shut up!
Silvia: Dang girl.
Lazuli: Sigh* I have no clue what I saw in you, Alan.
Speed: Me too. 😀.
Carter: Lets just go.
They walk into the diner and look around. It's has a yellow, lime, and sky blue theme. The lights hang from the ceiling and look like stars.
Lily: This is one of the nicest places I have ever been.
Jess: You can say that again.
Speed: Gasp* These menus are very organized, I already know what I want.
Just then, a Prinplup came over to relieve their orders.
Speed, Drake, Pearl, Leafy, Black, Jess: Waffles and bacon.
Silvia and crystal: Pancakes.
Jill, Turbo, Flare, Lazuli, Lazuli: French toast and hash browns.
Shade and Carter: I'll just have a Tequila sunrise mimosa and a yogurt parfe (no clue if I spelled that right. What a hard word. It's par-fay), but no blueberries please.
Both glance at eachother in confusion while the prinplup walks away.
Shade: You like Tequila sunrise mimosas too?
Carter: Kind of. If I have tried it, it hasn't been in a while.
Shade: Well you will be glad you did.
Carter: Sounds great.
After everyone finishes, they leave a tip for the prinplup and leave.
Shade: Um uh, me and Carter have to do something. We'll be right back.
Carter: We do? Oh yeah, we do. We have to leave a note for her brother.
Kai: Okay, be back soon.
The pair leave and walk north east along a dirt path.
Carter: What are we really doing?
Shade: You'll see.
They then reach a massive cherry blossom tree.
Carter: Wow. How did this get here?
Shade: A rare occurrence I don't want to explain. But, there is something I do need to explain.
Carter: Hu-?!
There, underneath the cherry blossom tree, the two embrace, their lips connecting like two pieces of paper gluing together. They stay like that for a few minutes and separate, staring at eachother awkwardly.
Shade: So, let me explain. It's just, your so great, you try your best to help out everyone and avoid yourself, making you a great role model for me. I admire it. Alot.
Carter: Yeah, I thought I would be the one to make the first move.
Shade: Really?
Carter: Ever since we met, you've been really tough and always stand your ground. I could never do that. You challenge me when I try to be nice. You don't submit. Your rebellious, and that's a compliment.
Shade: You are great with words.
Both: ...
Carter: So, you want to do it again?
Shade: Yeah, why not?

5 mins later:

The two start their way back along the dirt road. But when they make it back, there is a surprise.
Shade: Hey gu- guys? GUYS?
Carter: Where are they?
Shade: Hmm?
She looks at the ground and sees
Shade: Lazuli's comb. If she lost this, she would be furious.
Carter: Let me look around.
As a ghost type, Carter can travel around in "the ghost dimension" (That's what I call it whenever pokemon like Gengar go into some purple mist and appear somewhere else. Great theory.)
So he looks around and spots them in one of the worst places to be.
Carter: Oh no.
Shade: What is it?
Carter: They are in a... white van.
Shade: ...
Carter: Yeah. Let's go!
He runs off in the direction he was looking before and they soon arrive at an old warehouse.
Shade: Looks like an old warehou-
Me: Don't you dare.
Shade: Hmph.
Carter: Shake shake* Locked.
Shade: Step aside.
She then covers her tail in purple goo and slashes the lock, melting it.
Carter: Wow.
Shade: A custom move I made. I call it acid slash.
Carter: Well, on the count of three.
Both: 1, 2, 3!
Carter kicks open the door revealing... an empty room?
Carter: Huh? Wait...
Carter then says scrape marks in front of a nearby wall.
Shade: Let me take a look.
She runs her paw against the wall until she finds a small crack. She uses her tail to open the crack, revealing a hidden passage way.
Shade: Come on!
They run throughout the pathways until they reached a metal door.
Carter: Huh, well this is strange. Let's do-
Turns out, shade had already used acid armor and was heading inside. So, Carter went into his "ghost dimension" and headed into the room as well. When they both arrived, they saw the whole gang tied to chairs, with mouth gags.
Pearl: Mmm, mrph rrrrm!
Shade: Huh?
Shade removes the gag from pearl.
Pearl: Behind you!
Shade moves to the left and looks behind her to see a shadowy figure, who crushed the ground with sparks in the cracks.
Speed: Mrrm, mm mmm mm m.
Carter: I think he says that if we free him, he can untie everyone and we can escape.
So, Carter gives speed a hand and unties the ropes. When he does, Speedy rushes to untie everyone.
Speed: Oh, good God. That fellow mon is ruthless.
Lily: Well, we gotta go!
Drake: She is right!
They rush out of the building until:
Turbo: Hey guys, watch this.
Turbo summons a stone edge but he grabs the spikes and throws them towards the building, causing to collapse.
Shade: How did you guys even get captured?
Silvia: Shrot version: We "let our gaird down" per Kai.
Kai: Cause we did!!!
Lazuli: Hey, is that my brush? Where did you get that from?!
Leafy: Sis, calm down.
Crystal: Did you find your brother?
Shade: No, but something else did happen.

After an explanation:

Crystal: So you guys are a thing now?
Silvia decides to grab her shipping book.
Silvia: One more to cross put.
Kai: Well, looks like we gotta be more careful. Is everyone ready to go?
All but Kai: Yeah!
Kai: Great, lets go.
Turbo: I just realized I'm an idiot.
Jill: Huh?
Jess: How so?
Turbo: Even though I was tied up, I could have just gone into speeds head and gone back out and been free! I can't bring objects in with me unless I want to.
Speed: Wow, you are an idiot.
Turbo: What did you just say?
Silvia: Oh arceus.
Kai: Break it up, both of you. This is getting annoying.
Speed: Fine.
Turbo: Me and you are gonna have a talk later.😑.
Drake: Dialga, do you 2 ever not bicker while we are on our journey?
Speed and Turbo: ...
Drake: Hey! Ow!

(Wow, that was the longest one with more than 1800 words including this part. Well, who do you think the assassin is? Who has spark fists? Find out soon on Es: The Journey! Also, I think I like doing this POV kind of format focusing on one or 2, maybe 3, characters. I'm gonna stick with it.)

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