Things you might not understand or I found out:

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Okay, so I know it's been a while since I have posted a new chapter, but I've been kind of busy recently and whenever I have time, I get writers block. So I thought: I'll make a a q&a book! Read this chapter and find out all you need to know so far in the book. It will be updated periodically.
Just write in the comments section and your question will most likely be posted and answered. I just sent everyone to understand my book.

Ex. Q (BY ME) Is the relationship of Speed × Lazuli and Flare × Leafia a bit strange and why?

A (BY ME) Yes, it is kind of weird because when you have a sibling and you marry someone else, your sibling is your partners sibling in law, so since the relation ship would be sibling-in-law × sibling-in-law, I'm pretty sure that would be incest... Oh no...

Don't forget to send me questions! Bye!

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